How to plant a tracker on three enemy exfil choppers in one deployment in Warzone 2 DMZ

1 year ago 142

The Exfil Tracking mission for the new Crown faction in Warzone 2 DMZ will have players tagging choppers with enemies already aboard them. This may seem like the quest is asking for too much, but with the right strategies and mindset, anyone can finish this job in no time. Here’s a quick guide on how to tag those three enemy exfil choppers with a tracker in Warzone 2 DMZ.

How to get the trackers

After taking the tracking devices given by Crown from the Zarqwa Hydroelectric dead drop, players will then have to plant said a tracker onto enemy exfil choppers by interacting with either of the tiny wings on their sides.

Camp near an exfil zone and wait for another player to call in a helicopter. Then, either eliminate the exfiltrating operators or sneak up on the chopper’s wings. Plant a tracker, and repeat the process two more times without dying. You can tag multiple enemy exfil choppers that land in the same zone, which means you won’t have to drive around the map in hopes of finding an active exfil zone.

How to plant a tracker on three enemy exfil choppers in one deployment in Warzone 2 DMZ Al Mazrah

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Another way to plant a tracker on enemy exfil choppers in Warzone 2 DMZ

The easier (and cheesier) way of doing this is by having a squadmate join another team. Get a friend to join someone else’s squad, have them call a chopper, then tag it as it lands. The friend on the other team can rejoin yours if they send another request or if you invite them personally. so everyone can make progress with the quest. Keep in mind that exfil zones are reusable. You can force the helicopter to leave early by boarding it and jumping off as starts to take off.

Alternatively, simply let players know through in-game chat that you want to finish this mission objective. Those who are also trying to do the same may decide to not pull the trigger on sight. There’s no guarantee that this will work, but it’s at least worth a try.

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