Where to find Siege Golems in Last Epoch

2 months ago 124

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Side activities are important in Last Epoch. They help you get experience points to buy skills and passives quicker. However, some side missions are only available during the later parts of the game. Prophecies are one of them, and ask you to do various things like killing certain monsters. Today, we’re talking about one specific Prophecy that requires you to find and kill Siege Golems in Last Epoch. Locating them is hard, but this guide can help.

Last Epoch: Where to find Siege Golems

Finding Siege Golems can be a task if you’re not looking in the right place which seems to be almost all the map. First, to get the prophecy make sure you’re in the right faction, Circle of Fortune. Second, prophecies seem to unlock around Chapter Nine, so you’ll have to play for a while to get them. Assuming you have both requirements filled up, locating Seige Golems in Last Epoch can be done in a few ways. 

Related: Last Epoch: Monolith of Fate, explained

The best and what looks like the most consistent way is to head to Etendell in the Divine Era. Once you’ve made it to the waypoint, you just have to walk around it and one will be waiting for you. Some players have reported there’s one near the waypoint. The best part, according to this Reddit post, you can go back over and over again to slay the demon and farm powerful items.

Where To Find Siege Golems In Last EpochScreenshot: PC Invasion

Attacking these Golems might be a difficult task, and that could be a reason why it’s a late-game activity. So before you fight one, make sure you’re well-equipped. It also doesn’t hurt to ask a friend. 

What do I get from defeating Siege Golems?

Since this quest is attached to the Circle of Fortune faction in Last Epoch, you’ll rank and earn favors to spend. Siege Golems drop some high-quality loot, so you could have a chance of earning some free Exalted or Legendary gear. As mentioned, the Golem seems to reload every time you go back to the waypoint in Entendell. If you repeat the steps by going back, chances increase of getting high-quality loot.

The Siege Golems drop some valuable loot. Use this guide to find out what it rewards you with.

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