How to get Strafing kills in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

1 week ago 53

One of the biggest things that Modern Warfare 3 makes for itself is the camos. There’s a bunch to collect. All will require you to do something like get a certain amount of kills with X gun. One of the challenges for the DG-58 LSW is to get 25 strafing kills. If you don’t know how to get those strafing kills in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3), we can show you. Follow along.

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3): How to get strafing kills

To get strafing kills, you’ll have to move sideways while dropping enemies. Strafing kills are made by only moving to the left or right, either aiming down the sights or using hip fire. As long as you’re not moving forward or backward or standing still while getting a kill, it’ll count as a strafing kill in Modern Warfare 3.

The best gear for Strafing kills

While playing Modern Warfare 3, I’ve found if you got a weapon like the M4, with a good build, kills via strafing can be easily done. However, if you don’t have the M4 unlocked, any AR or BR will do. Just make sure they have above average fire rate and handling. Because you can shoot first and make your shots count, getting strafing kills comes with ease. 

If you’re looking to rack up the strafing kills, equip Stalker Boots. They are unlocked at level 54, so you’ll need to work on those dailies and weeklies. However, with the Stalker Boots equipped, you will have much better ADS and Strafing speed out there on the field.

Mw3 M4 strafing killsScreenshot: PC Invasion

Play on smaller modes

Certain maps are better than others for nailing those strafing kills in MW3. Try to avoid larger maps or game modes like Ground War. The long distances and heavy use of snipers aren’t really consistent with strafing kills. So my best advice would be to play on smaller game modes like Kill Confirmed, Team Death Match, and my favorite, Cutthroat

Additionally, to take things even further, try to play on maps like Rust. Even though I hate this map, it’s great for getting a bunch of challenges done at an amazing pace. Unlike most maps in Modern Warfare 3, Rust is very contained and small, and you can get consistent kills faster because everyone is near you almost all the time. 

What are Strafing kills?

Strafing is moving side to side without turning. It is the act of side-stepping while firing your gun. You can do this while either looking down the sights or firing from the hip. Just make sure you’re not turning or walking backward or forward. Basically, if you’re playing on mouse and keyboard, only use the A/D keys, and on Console, you can strafe by only using the left stick.

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