Sony Displays Futuristic PlayStation Controller In New Video Highlighting Its ‘Creative Entertainment Vision’

1 month ago 60

Sony Interactive Entertainment’s annual corporate strategy meeting took place overnight, where the company displayed a futuristic PlayStation controller in a video as part of its efforts to define its ‘Creative Entertainment Vision.’

Ten years from now, we will be living in a more multi-layered world where physical and virtual realities overlap without boundaries. If Sony, as a creative entertainment company, would be filling the world with new Kando in that future, what kind of experiential value would we be offering to make that happen?

To explore this question, we conducted a prototyping exercise under the concept of ‘Creative Entertainment Vision.’ Envisioning through the lens of Sony’s creativity and technology, here we present the future as an extension of our lives today.

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The console manufacturer revealed that its Creative Entertainment Vision contains three phases, as outlined below:

1) Harnessing technology to unleash the creativity of creators around the world, transcending physical, virtual and time dimensions.
2) Connecting diverse people and values across boundaries to foster vibrant communities.
3) Together with creators, creating exciting experiences rich in narrative that go beyond imagination, and spreading them as new touchpoints for Kando around the world.

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