Perfect Dark: Everything We Know

1 year ago 188

In a bid to broaden the Xbox Game Studios roster, both Crystal Dynamics and The Initiative are banding together to reboot a classic IP—Perfect Dark, a first-person shooter that hasn’t seen the light of day for just over twelve years now. In a combined effort, the two reputable developers will resurrect the once-loved franchise, and will, according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer, use protagonist Joanna Dark as a vessel to “diversify the Xbox family.”

So, what do we actually know about the Perfect Dark reboot, other than the fact it’s being headed up by Microsoft? Well, here’s everything we’ve been able to gather based on the facts both The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics have brought to light since it first made an appearance back at The Game Awards in 2020.

What Is Perfect Dark?

Perfect Dark is an upcoming first-person shooter by The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics. It’s also a reboot of the 2000 original, which launched on Nintendo 64 before being remastered for Xbox 360. Since 2010, though, the IP has tiptoed in shallow waters, and has unfortunately been given the cold shoulder by Xbox. That was, of course, until The Initiative formed in 2018 with the one goal to reignite the fires from which it once came. Since then, the reboot has been gradually working its way towards a hopefully 2023 launch on Xbox Series X|S and PC.


So, what will the story be about? Well, that’s just it. As it stands, there isn’t a whole lot of detail to go on outside of its dystopian Egyptian setting. That said, as this is a reboot we’re talking about, chances are it will rely on the same premise as the 2000 original and its sequel. To this end, you will play as Joanna Dark, an agent of the Carrington Institute who must unravel an extraterrestrial conspiracy laid out by a rival corporation known as dataDyne.


At this point in the game’s timeline, it’s hard to speculate on the exact style of gameplay the reboot will employ. That said, if we are to go by the style the original used—a level-based shooter that involved collecting weapons and defiling enemies—then we can certainly make an educated guess. Providing it sticks to its single-level structure and diverse set pieces, then we can imagine it’ll be a more epic and elaborated version of its 2010 remaster—only with more weapons, tools, and flashy gadgets to lug around.

“One of the things we thought about was how to differentiate what we call ‘spy fighting’ versus what you’d see in a traditional first-person shooter,” former design director Dew Murray said back in 2020. “[You’ll be] sliding under things, jumping over things. We really wanted to play up the physicality and being in the world, getting some of that camera movement that we see watching body cameras, GoPros, and trying to get that excitement of moving in places and in ways that you and I don’t.”


Strangely enough, in spite of the original Perfect Dark being cited for its intuitive design and advanced combat system, the series itself has only ever received a sequel in 2005, and a remaster of the Nintendo 64 original in 2010. In the years since being dormant, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has mentioned the idea of reviving Perfect Dark to help “diversify” the Xbox family.

In a strange turn of events, The Initiative lifted the curtain on the Perfect Dark reboot back at The Game Awards in 2020. Since then, the first-party studio has announced its partnership with Crystal Dynamics, a studio best known for its highly acclaimed Tomb Raider reboot. Together, the teams will rebuild Joanna Dark’s high-octane lifestyle and optimise it for Xbox Series X|S and PC. Here’s hoping, then, that we’ll have the chance to see it at some point either in late 2023 or early 2024.


Perfect Dark - Official Announce Trailer - The Game Awards 2020

The Initiative took to The Game Awards 2020 to reveal some of the core features surrounding the reboot. Although relatively short and to-the-point, it certainly highlighted the general aesthetic and setting of the game—an almost post-apocalyptic-like Egyptian locale with a subtle combination of cyberpunk gadgetry and glass-built districts. Curious to see it for yourself? You can check out the two-minute trailer in the embed above

Release Date, Platforms & Editions

Perfect Dark will be coming to Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam at some point in 2024. Why 2024? Well, given the fact that The Initiative hasn’t actually shown off any gameplay footage yet, it’s hard to imagine it’ll be releasing anytime in the near future. This is subject to change, though, so aim to take this with a major grain of salt for the time being.

What we do know is this: Perfect Dark will, in fact, be coming to Xbox Game Pass as a day-one exclusive. So, in case you were wondering about whether or not you needed to fork over any coin for the pre-order, you can pretty much rest assured that it will be free for subscribers from the get-go.

Unfortunately, as we’re still a ways off from the release window, we don’t know a whole lot about the editions that will be available, either. But of course, as 2023 draws to a close, this will likely get a bit more meat for the bone, so to speak. Until it does, though, assume that it will come preloaded with a standard edition, and a digital deluxe copy.

For more information on the Perfect Dark launch, be sure to follow the official social handle here. If anything even remotely noteworthy pops up between now and then, we’ll be sure to give you all the details right here on

So, what’s your take? Will you be picking up a copy of Perfect Dark when it eventually drops? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

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