How to solve all three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets

1 year ago 283

The Hogwarts Secrets are one of the most obscure challenges in Hogwarts Legacy.

The game never tells you how to complete the Hogwarts Secrets, or even where they are.

Thankfully for you, we’ve tracked down all three of them, and in this guide, we will explain how the Hogwarts Secrets and how to solve them.

Hogwarts Legacy - Official Launch Trailer

Hogwarts Secret: The Viaduct Bridge

How to solve all three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets

On the viaduct bridge, you’ll see four braziers that can be lit.

Use a fire spell to do this, and you’ll then see that the braziers themselves become intractable. Each of the four braziers has a small number underneath it, the solution to the puzzle is to turn each brazier to the correct number, which will then open a hatch.

Stand at the side of the viaduct close to the library and look across the bridge.

  • Viaduct Bridge puzzle solution
    • Closest-Left: Four
    • Furthest-Left: One
    • Closest Right: Two
    • Furthest Right: Three

If you enter this correctly, a hatch just in front of you should open, revealing the area underneath the viaduct. There are a few chests to collect here, and you can redeem the first Hogwarts Secrets challenge in the challenges menu.

Hogwarts Secret: South Annex

How to solve all three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets

The second Hogwarts Secret is in the South Annex, in the rooms above the duelling club that you’ll take part in early in the game. In order to do this part of the quest, you’ll need to have unlocked at least the second tier of the Alohomora spell by collecting Demiguise moons. 

The puzzle here is to enter four locked doors around the tower, each of which is sealed by grates with small logos on them. The logos on the door correspond to the large logos high in the air, which are being swung past by a pendulum.

When you freeze the pendulum in front of the corresponding symbol, the door will open. You can freeze them using Glacius, which is taught to you during the mid-point of the game.

This puzzle is completed by visiting all four of the rooms.

  • South Annex Hogwarts Secrets solution
    • Freeze the pendulum when the icon corresponds to one of the four icons on the four locked doors around the room.
    • The first door is on the floor, next to the dueling club.
    • The second is on the first floor above that.
    • The third is in the left stairwell, near the top.
    • The fourth is at the very top to the right of the pendulum itself.

Hogwarts Secret: Key of Admittance

How to solve all three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets

The final Hogwarts Secret involves some sneaking up to the Headmaster’s office. Head up towards the study, and open the door on the immediate left, which will lead you into the Headmaster’s private study.

Here you’ll pick up the Key of Admittance. 

In order to use it, run back down the stairs outside the headmaster’s office, down the corridor all the way to the large black doors on the opposite end.

Opening this will allow you into the most hidden room in the school, and reward you with the final Hogwarts Secret.

Hogwarts Secret: Rewards

How to solve all three Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Secrets

For completing the Hogwarts Secrets challenges you’re given three items of clothing.

  • The first reward is the Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume
  • The second reward is the Tailored Tailcoat (which is worn by Headmaster Black)
  • And the final one is the Fashionable Dress Robes.
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