Dragon’s Dogma 2: Dragonsplague, explained

1 month ago 55

Your beloved Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2 may be subject to something called Dragonsplague, but what exactly is this? This sounds scary at first, but there’s a lot more to it than just being an illness.

What’s Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a contagious condition that can infect your Pawns as they travel between online worlds. But isn’t there no multiplayer co-op? While DD2 is a single-player title, there is an online feature where your additional two Pawns, aside from your main Pawn, will come from other players online.

As Pawns travel around online, they may catch Dragonsplague. Early symptoms of this disease won’t weaken your Pawns, but in fact, they’ll present as buffs in their performance and behavior. Unfortunately, once these symptoms reach a terminal stage, they can result in what Capcom calls a “devastating calamity” on the DD2 official website.

Dragons Dogma 2 Dragonsplague Explained PawnImage: Capcom

We’re not yet sure how devastating this can be, or how this will affect your world and characters. Perhaps your Pawns will start to turn aggressive and start attacking allies instead of enemies. Maybe they’ll cause destruction everywhere they go and transform into something terrifying. No matter what it is, I certainly don’t want to catch it.

There’s a nice bonus to gaining Dragonsplague at first, but it doesn’t sound like it results in anything good if you don’t get it treated. We’re not even sure how or if you can cure yourself of Dragonsplauge. Perhaps you’ll be able to purchase an expensive cure for it somewhere in the game.

If it’s fatal and it doesn’t have a cure, you may have to tell your infected Pawns to beat it. They’ll end up in someone else’s party, but that’s for them to deal with! There’s a lot about Dragonsplague we’re still uncertain about, but we’ll have to learn more about it once Dragon’s Dogma 2 releases on March 22. For now, you may want to know more about if there’s romance in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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