Ys X: Nordics Carves Out an October Release Date on PS5, PS4

3 days ago 28

Ys please

Ys X: Nordics now has a confirmed release date on PS5 and PS4. Falcom's action RPG launches on the 25th October, which means that it's surrounded by heavy hitters like Metaphor: ReFantazio (11th October), Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (14th November), and Assassin's Creed Shadows (15th November). The last few months of 2024 are looking really busy.

Ys X launched in Japan last year, where it was well received. Although it still has the series' frantic hack-and-slash gameplay at its core, Nordics serves up some interesting additions, like naval battles. Longtime protagonist Adol is also joined by a young warrior named Karja, as the game adopts a dual-hero approach. In combat, you can switch freely between the two leads, and then pair them up to perform devastating team attacks.

Will you be setting sail with Ys X this October? Make sure to time those dodge rolls correctly in the comments section below.

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