WWE 2K24 No Longer Features Brock Lesnar On WrestleMania 40 Year Anniversary Cover

4 months ago 80

If you’re not a wrestling fan, you may be unaware of the big shake-up currently going on in the sport. If you are, you’re only too aware and already know what’s going on from the headline.

To catch some of you up, former head of WWE Vince McMahon is currently being sued for alleged sexual assault and trafficking during his time with WWE, and McMahon isn’t the only suspicious person involved.

Brock Lesnar is the latest name to be connected to the suit, and it’s this link that has spurned Visual Concepts and 2K to make the decision to remove Lesnar from the cover for the WWE 2K24 40 Years Of WrestleMania Edition.

The old cover featured Lesnar in the spot opposite Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, and in the new version has been replaced by John Cena, who was already included in the cover, he’s just been made larger and other wrestlers have been shifted around.

Resulting in a cover that ultimately looks the same, just without Lesnar. Whether or not Lesnar has been entirely removed from the game however, is still unknown.

Source – [WrestleOps on Twitter]

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