Wanted: Dead — 5 Best Tips for Beginners

1 year ago 142

Wanted: Dead is a new slasher/shooter game from the creators of Dead or Alive and the Ninja Gaiden series. There are plenty of mechanics to wrap one’s head around. Plus, the obvious choice is between slashing enemies with a katana or picking them off one by one with your gun. 

Also, sole shooters may have a more in-depth combat system than Wanted: Dead, as do hack-and-slash characters, so the same strategy may not always apply. And then there’s the tribute to the PlayStation 2 era of gameplay, which may not be every gamer’s strongest suit. 

With so much to learn and an increasing difficulty spike to beat, we’ve compiled these Wanted: Dead — five best tips for beginners that should give you a head start above the rest.

5. Slash/Shoot. Which is Better?

This is probably the first question anyone would ask going into a slasher/shooter game. I mean, at some point, you’ll need to use both, so how do you know when’s the right time to draw out your sword or fire your gun? Well, the best way to know which weapon to use is to assess what weapons your enemy is using. 

Swordplay comes in handy in melee combat. So, naturally, you’ll want to slash and dice enemies with your sword when they’re in close range to make the best impact. For instance, if you encounter a group with fewer guns, you may make a play for it with swordplay.

Gunplay, however, is almost always the default for most gamers because you can pick enemies off one by one from a distance, so you maintain your safety. Or, run-and-gun, so you have mobility. Whichever you choose, it should come naturally to you while always maximizing your health versus the damage dealt.

4. Combat, the “Wanted: Dead” Way

If you’re receiving a lot of gunfire, then it’s best to use guns, specifically the cover system. The cover system is essential, getting to cover when you’re receiving too much gunfire and only running and gunning when the enemy reels back. Do note that the cover system may be a bit glitchy. Hopefully, that gets sorted. Otherwise, maybe try to get used to it for now. 

Guns help you take down enemies from a distance. They can kill enemies quickly if only you remember to do so from behind cover. Generally, though, always staying on the move is non-negotiable in Wanted: Dead. You need to keep moving, be aggressive, and use cover wisely.   

3. Level Up

 Dead Tips for Beginners

Weapons can only do so much. You need to give them a push, especially when the difficulty sparks from normal, to hard, to Japanese hard (there’s no “easy” mode for the beginners, so you know Wanted: Dead don’t play.) 

After completing the first stage, you should customize your weapon with the new parts you’ve unlocked. Feel free to start with “accuracy,” since that’s a bit wanting. There are also weapon attachments like barrels, stocks, and more, which you unlock after each checkpoint. Though, not all attachments are helpful. Some may differ from your playstyle or weigh you down, so definitely test them out first.

You’re also free to unlock certain skills after the first stage. Start with the grenade, then armor defenses, and then healing. These are priorities, though there are many more skills you’re free to peruse over, too, like bullet time, extended dodge, and more.  

Skills are grouped into categories like utility, defense, offense, and the like. It’s generally good to upgrade skills from each category. However, if you feel you’re lacking in a certain area, for instance, your defense when blocking or parrying needs some show of love, then, by all means, do get the additional skills within this category, like increased melee defense, guard strength increase, etc.

After a few playthroughs, you’ll find Wanted: Dead is more a melee combat treat than a ranged one. Most minibosses and bosses will demand close-range fights, so perfecting your defense moves should be among your top priorities. And, of course, your healing ability, which can be upgraded from a stack of three stim packs to four from the skill tree. 

2. Pick Stuff Up

Although Wanted: Dead is largely linear, there are still certain essential items you should keep an eye out on. For instance, the game has documents you need to collect that glow bright pink. Each one earns you extra SP that adds up to currency you can buy items with.

Also, you may look out for more powerful weapons like chainsaws, which are great for showing off and killing mini-bosses. Enemies also tend to drop off their weapons like grenade launchers when they die, so do pick them up. There are other, more obvious items in other games, like ammo, healing items, and the like. Just pick stuff up, that is all.

1. Explore!

 Dead Tips for Beginners

I don’t mean explorative gameplay. No. I mean, go beyond the main quest and see what else Wanted: Dead has to offer. You’ll find the marketed mini-games like the ramen cooking show and karaoke. 

But, beyond those, you’ll find a firing range and combat arena where you can further sharpen your skills. The firing range, as its name implies, is a place to build your gunmanship skills. It’s also structured in a leaderboard kind of way to encourage competitiveness and offers the Gunsmith’s Rifle as a reward.

The combat arena, on the other hand, is a place to earn more skill points for each completed challenge, plus the achievement trophies, too. These challenges help you work on the skills you feel need more polishing. It’s a way to take a break from the heat of the battle, properly hone your skills first, and return having mastered the offense and defense skills to Wanted: Dead’s standards.

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our Wanted: Dead — five best tips for beginners? Are there more tips we should know about? Let us know down in the comments or over on our socials here.

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