Vampire Survivors' second massive expansion takes us to fairytale school

1 year ago 182

Tides Of The Foscari comes out in two weeks

Vampire Survivor’s first DLC gave fans exactly what they wanted: more Vampire Survivors. The bullet-hell auto-shooter’s next DLC is aiming to do the same in just two weeks as the Tides Of The Foscari expansion launches on April 13th, developer Poncle have announced.

Tides Of Foscari takes us to a folkloric Western European woodland - meaning demi-humans, spirits, and murderous angels rather than fairies, garden gnomes, and angelic angels. Things get slightly more interesting with the Foscari Academy, a supernatural school waiting in the middle of the forest. The Academy is full of witches, heavy warriors, and sneaky thieves split between three houses, and I’m sure Poncle aren’t hiding anything else in there, right?

On top of the new stage, Tides Of The Foscari is also adding 8 characters, 13 weapons, 7 music tracks, and 20 achievements. Thus, any 100% completed save slots are now null and void. Sigh.

WASD attendees can check out the upcoming DLC this weekend, and “some of you may have played it yesterday without even realising,” Poncle say in an Xbox Wire post. Only a developer as scrappy as Poncle would sneak an expansion for 2022’s GOTY, before any official announcement, into a public event. Seriously, the above teaser’s title is ‘BootlegFoscariFinalFinal.mp4’.

Regardless, Vampire Survivors is flying high after two BAFTA Award wins last night, proving we were right to crown the indie as RPS’ game of the year. As much as we (and my cat) love the game’s bouncing projectiles, a sequel seems unlikely, according to the devs.

The Tides Of Foscari expansion will be £1.60/$2/€2 when it launches on PC (Steam) and Xbox consoles on April 13th. Vampire Survivors is still available on Game Pass, too.

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