Trinity Gears, NetEase's latest strategic gacha RPG, set to open early access for Japanese audiences in a few days

1 year ago 154

NetEase has announced that they will open up early access in Japan for their latest title; a tactical strategic RPG named Trinity Gears. This interesting new gacha RPG sees you commanding a wide variety of humanized versions of various old real-world war equipment, such as fighter planes or tanks, amidst scenarios based on historical events.

Trinity Gears might sound odd on paper, turning real-world war vehicles into cute anime girls, but this is hardly the first time a gacha has done so. With games like Azure Lane or Girls Frontline, this is a concept that is rather big in Japan, and Trinity Gears is looking to capitalize on that.

Each character will be based on different planes or tanks, and you’ll be doing battle with them against the primary antagonist; a hostile group known as The Hand. This group is hellbent on destroying the world to gather energy for themselves, and it’s up to you to stop them.

Gameplay-wise, we don’t have a ton to go off of, but we do know that missions will be based on different historical events, both war-related and otherwise. This adds an interesting dynamic to the story that is rarely covered in gacha games and is sure to delight fans of war history or history in general.

Trinity Gears also touts itself as a tactical RPG, so I’m going out on a limb here and guessing it might be tile-based or perhaps might take some elements from Girls Frontline specifically given how alike the two titles are.

Regardless, Japanese gamers will be able to find out for themselves how the game plays when the early access client opens up on April 6th, only a few days away. Currently, there are no download links up, but keep an eye on any news related to Trinity Gears when April 6th comes around for a method of getting involved!

Looking for other character collection-based RPGs? Check out our Top 25 best gacha games for iOS!

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