The Maw - 8th-13th April

1 month ago 40

Our weekly news liveblog, with this week's freshest videogame releases


A drawing of a monster with bared teeth Image credit: Internet Archive Book Images

Time for another sorry week of heaving news-fuel into the Maw's thousand-and-one gullets and urgh, what's that brooding stench? It reeks of embargoes in here. The air is foul with it. This week is the week of the inaugural Triple-I Initiative showcase, aka the IIIIs, aka a 45-minute dollop of trailers and announcements from such studios as Slay The Spire creators MegaCrit and Darkest Dungeon developers Red Hook. We know of a couple of the announcements in advance; others, we'll learn about alongside you on 10th April.

There won't just be game announcements this week, of course. In a shocking twist with unforeseeable implications, people are actually releasing games too. Here are a few we think might be OK-to-brilliant: "Lofi Girl: The Game" Spirit City: Lofi Sessions (8th April); arty sniper fest Children Of The Sun (9th April); Lovecraftian Freelancer homage Underspace (early access, 10th April); third-person stealth fantasy Ereban: Shadow Legacy (10th April); isometric Mad Max-alot Broken Roads (10th April); swoopy cosy MMO Sky: Children of the Light (early access, 10th April); mythological Chinese roguelike Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother (12th April).

As ever, our servitude to the Maw often produces catastrophic tunnel-vision, and there may be a few more potentially great videogames out this week that should have been mentioned above. Please, please tell us about them in the comments. I am not made of eyes! The Maw is made of eyes, of course - together with suckers, motorised mandibles, assorted quantum superpositions, bits of medieval poetry and pieces of cosmic whalebone - but it has never left us a comment. Which is probably for the best.

09:16 am UTC

Recently released MiniMatt favourite Captain Of Industry has also been updated. The additions include a new map called Armageddon that has a massive crater in it. Scenic! Full patch notes here - it's a biggie.

Watch on YouTube

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

09:15 am UTC

More in railway news: they've added nuclear power to Railgrade, together with a minimap for sandbox mode, different zeppelin docks, and the ability to automatically adjust train behaviour when they stop at stations.

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

09:08 am UTC

Speaking to The Gamer, Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida has thrown a bone to Final Fantasy Tactics fans. "It’s probably about time that we do a new one."

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

09:03 am UTC

Sonic co-creator and recently convicted inside-trader Yuji Naka had some warm words for out-going Dragon Quest producer Yu Miyake over the weekend, accusing him of lying to a court (caveat that I'm going by a machine translation of the below tweet).

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

08:59 am UTC

Incline ~Railway of devil's valley~ is... a game where you exorcise demons using a sloping railway, set in "the retro-romantic world of Japan in the late Meiji era." I have no prior experience to bring to bear on this. Does exorcism feature anywhere in Railroad Tycoon?

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

08:55 am UTC

Project Arroyo, the overhaul mod that aims to recreate Fallout 2 in Fallout 4, has a new comparison teaser. It's looking both faithful and impressive, destestable intro temple ants included.

Nic Reuben

08:49 am UTC

From Glory to Goo, a delightfully complex looking and retro styled sci-fi Survival RTS launched in Steam early access last week, and people seem to be enjoying it! It's supposed to be a bit like They Are Billions.

Nic Reuben

08:32 am UTC

Obsidian's spacefaring RPG The Outer Worlds and all its DLC are free to keep on Epic this week until Thursday, April 11. That's WORLDS. Outer Worlds. Worlds.

Nic Reuben

08:25 am UTC


The air is literally crackling with suspense! All news writers gain +10 conductivity. Chase the weasels out of the centrifuge and FEED THE MAW.

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

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