The Legend Of Dragoon PS5 Fixes Multiple Issues In Latest Title Update

1 week ago 51

PS Plus Premium title The Legend of Dragoon has received a new update on PS5 that irons out a number of issues that have been lingering for around two years.

Sony Interactive Entertainment hasn’t released a full list of patch notes for the update at the time of writing, but fans on Reddit had previously compiled a list of issues (seen below) and have revealed that they have now been fixed with the lates patch.

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  • Weird garbled text after characters names (Hellena Warden8!&/)5agsi)
  • Battle sound effects being crushed, only playing half the sound, or completely missing
  • Battle Voice lines not playing at all. I haven’t heard lavitz say HARPOOOON this entire play through. There is a boss right before you get dragoon form for the first time who chants before he uses a spell, the audio of said chant is completely absent in said fight.
  • The after battle level up jingle sounds like it was ran through a wood chipper when multiple people level up at once.
  • Rose’s Magic attacks cause the game to completely crash. This one right here is mega sad. With the nature of the games design you are most likely going to use her magic mid boss fight and lose progress. I had someone in another post tell me about this one and I tested it myself to unfortunately find it was true.

The Legend of Dragoon was developed by SCE Japan Studio and cost around $16 million to make, which at the time was a considerable sum. The game launched for the PSOne in Japan back in December 1999, and arrived in the US and Europe in June 2000 and January 2001, respectively. While reviews compared it somewhat unfavourable to the Final Fantasy series, it sold over one million copies worldwide and has since earned itself a cult following.

[Source – Reddit via MP1st]

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