Summoners War: Chronicles announces upcoming collaboration with legendary anime sensation One Punch Man

1 year ago 123
Popular RPG Summoners War: Chronicles has announced that it will host its latest collaboration later this month, this time with the legendary anime/manga series One Punch Man. This crossover will come with new collectable and playable characters alongside a nice handout to offer players a higher chance of rolling for these new characters on the event-limited gacha banner. In case you aren’t familiar, Summoners War: Chronicles is a spinoff title within the series, giving players a new way to experience the wonderful world that the franchise is known for. Where Summoners War originally began as a turn-based gacha RPG, Chronicles takes it to the next level by turning it into an action-adventure third-person RPG instead, tossing out the turn-based nature altogether and replacing it with a real-time-based combat system. ... [MORE]
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