Square Enix May Have Just Teased a Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster

1 year ago 116

Tactics team is "incredibly busy"

Final Fantasy Tactics

We're still feeling the ripples of the enormous GeForce leak, in which a huge list of unannounced games was made public. This includes a Final Fantasy Tactics remaster project, which has still yet to be confirmed. However, given that many of the leaked games have now been announced or released, a remaster of the beloved strategy RPG is sort of a foregone conclusion at this point. Now, a comment from the publisher has hinted at its existence as well.

Speaking in an interview with French site Finaland, producer Ichiro Hazama mentions that the "Tactics team is incredibly busy at the moment", and are "heavily involved in another project".

Obviously, this doesn't confirm anything outright, and the team could be working on something else. As mentioned, though, it seems likely Hazama is talking about a remaster of Final Fantasy Tactics here; many of the games in the GeForce leak have since been made reality.

Would you like to see Final Fantasy Tactics come back with a remaster? Plan your next move in the comments section below

[source finaland.com, via kitguru.net]

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