nintendo eshop 3ds wii u

The Nintendo of America Twitter account shared a reminder that the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS eShop will soon no longer be available. Nintendo will discontinue both online storefronts on March 27, 2023. Those with money still on their accounts will be able to merge the leftover balance with their Nintendo Switch account until March 2024.

News of this decision first came out in February 2022. Once the stores close down, players will no longer be able to purchase new games or download free demos. As for games you already own, you can still re-download them so long as you have the license. This goes for DLC as well. The My Memories website for the 3DS and Wii U is still open as well, though you will need to have a Nintendo account to access it.

Closing down eShops is a natural part of a console with online access. The PlayStation Store for the PS3 and PS Vita also closed down in Summer 2021. In all of these cases, it simply means that you will no longer be able to buy older games. Players will still have access to games in their digital library.

The Wii U and Nintendo 3DS eShop will each close on March 27, 2023. Players with games they want to purchase should buy them before that date so that they can access them in the future.

Stephanie Liu

Stephanie is a Canadian writer, translator, anime fan, and gamer who has been writing and gaming ever since she was four. She loves RPGs, simulations, and action games. Big animanga fan and was one of those girls who did school projects on anime. Only exhibits her true power at night. Aside from writing for Siliconera, she translates for light novels and video games.