Pokémon Sleep Items List and How to Obtain Them

9 months ago 105

Pokémon Sleep is the newest addition to the Pokémon franchise which aims to make sleeping an entertaining experience by adding Pokémon to the mix. In addition to being a game where you capture Pokémon, it also serves as a sleep tracker which monitors your sleep patterns and rewards you with different types of Pokémon accordingly. There are several in-game items which can be used to make your Pokémon more powerful and also help with leveling it up. In this article, you will find the entire list of items available so far and also how to obtain them.

Pokémon Sleep Items List

There are a total of 48 items available in the game so far. They are further classified into Ingredients, Biscuits, Evolution Items, Incense, Tickets, Pokémon Candies, and other miscellaneous items.

How to Obtain Items in Pokémon Sleep

Similar to how it works with berries, you can choose different types of Helper Pokémon to aid you in acquiring specific items. These items can further be used to level up or evolve your Pokémon, depending on what category it belongs to. There are certain types of Pokémon skilled in acquiring a specific item. Pairing up and figuring out what these types of Pokémon are, will certainly make a huge difference in the way you experience Pokémon Sleep.

That is pretty much it for our Pokémon Sleep Items list. Since the game was officially launched just three days ago, players can hope to find more items added to the list with every game update.

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