PlayStation Fans Quickly Noticed Solid Snake's Fortnite Booty Nerf

4 months ago 69

Censorship run amok

Fortnite PS5 PS4 PlayStation

Fortnite's Chapter 5 Season 1 has officially begun, bringing with it the usual map shakeup, weapons to unlock, and skins to chase. A highlight for PlayStation fans might be the possibility of sneaking about as PlayStation icon Solid Snake himself, although fans were quick to note the legendary mercenary was lacking in the booty department.

Considering how much time he spends crawling around or crouching, it is kind of strange that Snake suddenly has a butt flatter than a pancake. In depiction after depiction (with the notable exception of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where the problem began), prominent glutes are an essential aspect of the character. And yet, something seems to have gotten lost in translation to the Fortniteverse, as Iroquois Pliskin now looks more like a Ken doll than a storied soldier. Behold:

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