Top 10 Sweatiest Skins in Fortnite

10 months ago 115

For some unknown reason gamers can all concede that some skins seem to be worn by try-hard Fortnite players. The trends change slowly over time but generally speaking it does tend to be the same old skins that make you want to turn and run when spotted in the lobby!

Read on to find out which we believe are the top 10 sweatiest skins in Fortnite today.

10. Surf Witch

surf witch fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

The Surf Witch skin with the pink and black style tends to sweat the most out of the two options. Perhaps it is the fact she arrived during the Summer Splash event and loves the heat of action! She turns up in the Item Shop pretty regularly since her first appearance in June 2020. She’s one of the regular priced skins at 1,200 V Bucks but pretty good value as you get the second Surf Demon style too.

Some players may love her for her booty shorts and cute pink hair, but most of us just think she’s cool. Her popularity is possibly what gained her a position in a lot of players’ list as one of the sweatiest skins out there. Surf Witch is a favorite of YouTubers and other well-known Fortnite players like Taspio so there is no doubt she will be found cranking 90s in a match near you.

9. Siren

siren skin fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Siren turns up once a month or so in the Item Shop and priced at 1,200 V Bucks, she is good value. Not only do we get the regular version but she has an alternate Noir style too where she looks like she is straight out of an old detective movie. With her fierce eye patch and steely glare, there is no wonder why she is among your top picks since she arrived in April 2020!

Siren is one of those skins which looks effortlessly cool, and attracts a certain type of player. Try-hard players love a sleek and intimidating female skin, and Siren certainly fits that description. Used by a few streamers like Benjyfishy, Siren can often be found sniping headshots for the win!

8. Renegade Raider

renegade rider skin fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Renegade Raider is a classic skin and if you see her you know this player is more than likely an OG player. Or they’re using their dad’s old account. She was released in October 2017 and hasn’t been seen since December of that year. This skin is so old that you are almost guaranteed the player using them can build fast and shoot with the accuracy of a veteran player.

Renegade Raider comes in a couple of styles but the most used is the classic default with black goggles. It is doubtful she will ever return as she was made available during that first season only after you reached level 20. If you see one you should be simultaneously impressed and scared.

7. Focus

focus fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Focus is another of those super cool female skins the sweatiest players love to use. Maybe it’s the illusion of a smaller hit-box, or just the stylish nature of the cosmetic that attracts them. Either way, you can be certain that Focus, complete with her cycloptic face covering, is going to be running after you with an unfailing bloodlust.

The most popular style for this skin in the darker version ‘Future Agent’. It does seem to be a trend that the more shadowy figures are the most popular with sweaty players for the stealth capabilities. Nothing more satisfying than creeping out the shadows to head shot an unsuspecting player with a pump shotgun. She’s been in and out of the Item Shop since her introduction in 2019 and has been a continuing favorite among players.

6. Black Knight

black knight skin fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Black Knight was Fortnite’s first ever legendary skin and was only available to unlock for one season. Players could claim this mysterious knight by unlocking tier 70 of Season 2’s Battle Pass. This unfortunately means if you didn’t unlock him back in 2017, you will never have Black Knight for yourself.

Of course the fact he is such a rare skin also means that if you see him in your lobby then this is an OG player and you have certainly met your match! Black Knight skin users love to show off their skills in a match. They’ll often taunt you with an emote after wiping you off the map. Usually with the Take the L emote. Fun fact: it is actually Jonesy under that helmet but he never shows his face.

5. Boundless

boundless fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

These generic superhero skins may look like they would save orphans from a burning building but don’t let their heroic appearance fool you. These can be some of the sweatiest players you will ever encounter. Especially if they have customized their skin to be one solid color. Why? Who knows! But if a solid black or white Boundless skin is sprinting at you then you are in danger!

First introduced in 2020, these controversial skins have received some criticism regarding the way players can customize them. Epic attempted to fix the issue but of course players found a way around that. These are very popular despite the higher price tag at 1,800 V Bucks. Thankfully the set continues to return to the Item Shop again and again.

4. Ghoul Trooper

ghoul trooper fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

One of the best skins around, the female Ghoul Trooper is the zombie version of Ramirez introduced in October. It is an Epic rarity skin and comes in three styles: default, zombie, or pink. Every October and November since 2017, these zombie skins rotate back into the Item Shop and players love them! This popularity makes these skins some of the sweatiest around.

The appeal of the Ghoul Trooper to try-hard Fortnite players is not only the versatility of the styles but the creepy appearance. Despite being undead she’s not an ugly skin. They do have an influx around Fortnitemares but it remains many players’ favorite skin throughout the rest of the year.

3. Polar Peely

fortnite polar peelyImage Credit: Epic Games

Polar Peely, or Frozen Peely as he is often called, can frequently be found in small groups. Either as a duo or trio of sweaty players who will not leave you alone until you are eliminated! They will follow you across the map if they have to but they will secure that kill. When they are not sweating for that kill, they can be found emoting together in buildings.

This icy version of our favorite banana guy is not an Item Shop purchase, unfortunately. Instead he was part of the gifts given to players during Winterfest 2021. Because it was a free skin relatively recently, Polar Peely can still be found absolutely everywhere. Watch out — there’s a Peely about!

2. Soccer Skins

soccer skin fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Anyone who has played Fortnite can tell you soccer skin players are some of the sweatiest ever to live. Some say it is because they are tween kids with something to prove, while others say it is merely because the skins are not expensive and show up in the Item Shop often. The only thing for sure is that if that skin has the number 69 on their back you know they are going to be cranking 90s and speed-editing their builds until you are dizzy.

These skins are all part of the Goalbound set with eight skins to choose from. You can pay either 1,200 V Bucks each or get a set of four for 2,500. A bargain! They have only been around since 2021 but they will no doubt continue on in popularity and inspire players to become sweaty try-hards.

1. Aura

aura skin fortniteImage Credit: Epic Games

Aura is a super popular skin first seen in 2019 and now seems to in every lobby ever since. She has popped up now and again in the Item Shop and at only 800 V Bucks she is an absolute steal. Players who purchase Aura get three styles to choose from but the one we see the most is the Winter Hunter variation with red sweater and yellow beanie hat.

There is no doubt why this skin makes our top sweatiest skin in Fortnite. She ticks all the boxes: cool female skin, cheap, and often in the Item Shop. Plus, she is not only cute but she looks like she means business! Any players using the Aura skin will be editing their builds with a speed like no other, and can somehow absolutely lazer you from hundreds of meters away. Aura is another skin popular with streamers and pros alike so she may also inspire decent players to try to emulate their Fortnite heroes!

About the author

Rowan Jones

Rowan is a writer and educator from Devon, U.K. She has been writing about mobile and console games since 2020. Rowan loves puns and dad jokes, and also runs a secret meme page. She has a love/hate relationship with Dead By Daylight and a completely healthy obsession with Fortnite.

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