Legend of Tianding - “Platforming fun with an old-school twist”

1 year ago 211
Video games have been an effective medium for regaling tales of the past, either from the historical figure’s or third person’s perspective. It’s in stark contrast to the lines of words in a dusty textbook or on a wiki page that can lull you to a deep slumber. Games, as a creative medium, leverage a myriad of ways to give an immersive experience, as well as being able to learn history as the icing on top. Soft-world inc., in collaboration with Neon Doctrine and Taiwan Tech, has used the 2004 Flash game as a base to create Legend of Tianding. It’s a 2D side-scrolling platformer where players don the mantle of the popular Liao-Tianding. He is a vigilante and pursuer of justice, with historic Taiwan as his arena. Historic Taiwan at your fingertips ... [MORE]
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