How to beat Balteus in Armored Core 6 (AC6)

1 year ago 120

So, you’re stuck on the Balteus boss in Armored Core 6? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Since I’m a proud Balteus beater, allow me to guide you through the best strategy to defeat Balteus. Without further adieu, here’s how to beat Balteus in AC6.

Note: To beat Balteus, you need to make sure you have the best weapons in AC6 at your disposal. You can always experiment with different weapons and builds in between being defeated, which I highly recommend doing to figure out the best way to defeat Balteus.

Best way to easily beat Balteus in Armored Core 6

This might be a bit spoilery, but in my honest opinion, I think Balteus is the hardest boss in Armored Core 6. There are a handful of tough boss fights ahead that aren’t cakewalks, but I found Balteus to be extremely difficult. He’s easily the boss I died the most to. But because of that, I have a lot of experience to help guide you through this fight.

Best tips before fighting Balteus in Armored Core 6

My first piece of advice when it comes to beating Balteus is don’t be afraid to quit the mission, buy better parts, and try again. Yeah, you’ll need to beat the beginning part of the mission again and beat the AC before Balteus, but it’s worth it to create a winning build instead of bashing your head against an impassable wall. Speaking of winning builds, mirroring my recommendation of the best builds in Armored Core 6 is a great idea to beat Balteus.

My second piece of advice to beat Balteus in AC6 is get the ACS – Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning and the Pulse Armor OS Tuning upgrades. Getting the rest of the best OS Tuning upgrades will help you defeat Balteus easily, but these two upgrades are necessary because they both mitigate the amount of damage you receive which allows you to stay in the fight for longer and ultimately defeat Balteus.

Best tips to defeat Balteus in Armored Core 6

Armored Core 6 Balteus Best Strategy

Screenshot: PC Invasion

I found that the best build to defeat Balteus in Armored Core 6 is a study bipedal build that has decent mobility and above-average health. I tried to beat Balteus with a reverse joint build for a long time and concluded that it was too hard. The moment I switched to bipedal, I could equip heavier weapons, take more hits, and I still had good mobility.

The best weapons to use against Balteus is a kinetic weapon of some kind that deals consistent damage. You’ll also want to use at least two explosive weapons like grenade launchers and cannons to stagger Balteus as quickly as possible.

The best way to avoid the swarms of missiles that can quickly stagger and damage you is to dash forward and stay close to Balteus. Whenever Balteus stops to shoot missiles, shoot him with your explosive weapons. When Balteus is staggered, spam every weapon you have to deal as much damage as possible.

Halfway through the battle, Balteus uses a big explosive attack, so right when you get Balteus to 50% health, get as fast away as possible. Balteus’ next attacks are huge flame swords. To dodge his first swing, simply jump and ascend as high as you can. To dodge the second flame sword swing, dash right as many times as you can.

After dodging the flame sword swings, you’re free to focus solely on dealing damage to Balteus. Remember to use your Pulse Armor and Repair Kits to stay in the fight.

Balteus will use the two flame sword swing attacks again, so watch out for that. He’ll also stay still and launch a flame attack on the ground, and all you need to do to dodge that is get in the air and dash right or left.

Armored Core 6 Balteus Win

Screenshot: PC Invasion

With consistency, good dodging, and maximizing damage when Balteus is staggered, you’ll beat Balteus and be crowned the victor. Your next objective is to take the superior fighting you learned here into PvP.

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