5 Best Star Trek Games of All Time, Ranked

1 year ago 168

“Live long and prosper.” These famous words, accompanied by the finger-separating gesture, are among the few trademarks the Star Trek franchise is well known for. Although the Vulcan greeting debuted during the second season of Star Trek: The Original Series, it has become a fundamental slogan that enthusiasts of the franchise associate with.

Another equally satisfying way fans relate to the franchise is through video game adaptations. Not only do they provide continuity to the original stories, but it's an immersive way to experience the fictional universe.

As a result, the franchise’s persistent popularity has seen the release of dozens of games. Currently, the Star Trek franchise is the biggest in gaming history, with more than 100 games. 

With such a wide selection, it's only fitting to sample the best of the best for the ultimate Starship Enterprise experience. If you're wondering which Star Trek game deserves this title, wonder no more. Let's explore five best Star Trek Games of all Time.

5. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine The Fallen Trailer (2000)

If you find yourself occasionally craving intense Star Trek sci-fi action, then look no further than Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen. With most games in the franchise narrowly missing the target, this game is a reminder of the good that exists in the franchise.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen goes above and beyond to offer more than its predecessors with a captivating storyline, interactive environments, and more hours of playtime. The game is a third-person shooter by The Collective. You can play as Major Kira Nerys, Captain Benjamin Sisko, or Lt. Commander Worf, high-ranking officers in the motion pictures. 

What sets this game apart is its unique storytelling. Each character ventures out on independent missions; therefore, the game's entire story is unveiled after you play all three characters. 

Moreover, the game's tricorder features allow you to scan the environment for valuable items. For instance, you can find other lifeforms and ammo or use it against enemies during combat. 

4. Star Trek: Bridge Crew The Next Generation

Star Trek: Bridge Crew TNG (Ubisoft) Ops Gameplay - PSVR, Rift, Vive

Star Trek: Bridge Crew, The Next Generation, comes close to excellence with its iconic use of virtual reality. Now you can man the most powerful starship to exist in the universe. What's more, you get to do so in the most immersive way possible. As an expansion pack to Star Trek: Bridge Crew, you can only access this game as DLC by owning the original game. The DLC amplifies your experience of the base game.

As the original game goes, you can play either of these four roles; tactical officer, helm officer, engineer, or captain. Your role is to guide Starfleet Ship USS Aegis to a new homeland safely. This may call for a few encounters with the notorious Klingons. 

The DLC introduces new features to the base fame, including a new role as Operations. You also get access to a new ship, the Enterprise mode. If this doesn't entice you, you'll also encourage fresh challenges in the new Ongoing Voyages mode.

Moreover, the game’s enticing gameplay, intuitive controls, and compelling storyline will have you hooked at the end. Venture into the galactic universe with up to four friends. If you don't have a VR device, worry not, the game supports non-VR.

3. Star Trek Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Bridge Commander Trailer 09/2001

The only unfortunate thing about this game is its length. What else would you expect from a simulation game that seamlessly captures every aspect of the Starship Enterprise? Developed by Totally Games, Star Trek Bridge Commander is a simulation that places you in the heart of space combat.  You play as a new promised captain in charge of a crew aboard a spaceship. Your mission is to neutralize an emerging threat against the United Federation of Planets. 

Players take control of two ships; the USS Sovereign (NCC 73811) and the Galaxy class USS Dauntless (NCC 71879). You can control the ship from an external view or the bridge by instructing your crew. 

The game exceeds expectations of being a bridge commander simulation. The different game modes give you ultimate control of your ship. All you need is an intuitive mind to provide the proper instructions. Also, the battles in this game are a tie replication of the movies and tv shows.

2. Star Trek Fleet Commander

Star Trek Fleet Command Trailer

As you know by now, the most exciting experience Star Trek games offer is being a commander. The only proper way to experience Spock is by stepping into his shoes. In Star Trek Fleet Commander, you do exactly that and more.

Players get to build their fleet in this enthralling 4xMMO by Digit Game Studios. What's more, you can explore the galaxy, forage for resources, build ships, and, most important of all – build alliances. 

Star Trek Fleet Commander accurately adapts the Kevin timeline and features the legendary cast members. You'll encounter Sulu, Scotty, Uhura, Spock, Kirk, and many more. Are you bold enough to venture into the unknown? There's only one way to know.

1. Star Trek Voyager Elite Force

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Trailer

Finally, the Star Trek game that takes the cake is Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. Developed by Raven Software, the game is an exemplary first-person shooter that draws inspiration from the latest Star Trek TV shows. 

What makes this game exceptionally good is its infusion of humor. Interaction with NPC's is more pleasurable in addition to its action-packed gameplay. 

Players can unravel the epic nature of this game in two forms; single-player and multiplayer. The single-player mode gives you 30 linear missions, which also includes combat. In the multiplayer mode, players experience a holodeck simulation while competing in various game modes. Aside from the intense battle, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force features a neat line of arsenal that spruces the gameplay tremendously.

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our list of the best Star Trek games? Are there other Star Trek games that we should include? Let us know in the comments below or over on our socials here!

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