Most Anticipated PlayStation 5 Games Coming Out in January 2024

4 months ago 152

My greatest wish for the holidays was to cop the new PS5 Slim. Unfortunately, my Secret Santa got it wrong and gave me games instead. Albeit getting incredible titles, I still have a deep thirst for the new and revamped console. 

Nevertheless, my old PS5 still suffices. But if you're one of the lucky few who received a PS5 console, it's time to put it to great use. 2024 is shaping up to be a great year, with notable franchises unveiling new titles. January may be slow, but your PS5 console isn't. Here are the most anticipated PlayStation 5 games coming out in January 2024.

5. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy - Announcement Trailer

If law drama interests you, you should look forward to Capcom's Apollo Justice Trilogy. The Ace Attorney series is coming back in a three-bundle package: Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. Phoenix Wright also returns, but this time he is on the right side of the law.

After breaking free from Nintendo's bounds, the trilogy is getting a major facelift. Brace yourself for impressive visuals amidst the 2D artwork. It retains the original gameplay where you defend your clients and sift through evidence to find the truth. It's as exciting as Law and Order and more intriguing if unraveling the truth is your cup of tea. 

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy grants you the chance to defend the innocent, pixel by pixel, and level up your lawyering skills.

Launch Date: January 25, 2024

4. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Reveal Gameplay Trailer

The Prince of Persia is returning triumphantly on PS5 this January after a nearly decade-long wait. The title is the first mainline entry since the 2008 reboot, which borrows elements from previous entries in the franchise. Not doing so would be an utter disservice to fans of the franchise.

The upcoming 2.5D title grants you the role of Sargon, an immortal tasked with safeguarding Persia. Following the kidnapping of Prince Ghasaan, Sargon must travel to Mount Qaf, a cursed city, and rescue him. The Lost Crown features plenty of Metrodivania elements, and the world is littered with secret rooms and shortcuts. Plus, you'll encounter various puzzles that'll beckon your wit-power.

Besides that, combat remains a focal element. Right from the start, adversaries will come charging toward you, and your sole means of survival is to parry attacks. A yellow indicator shows that you can use this technique. But a red indicator means you need to dash out of the way. Speaking of dash, Sargon's parkour moves are refreshingly delightful, where players will slide, jump and air dash between platforms. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown promises a wealth of new content, upgrades, and combat reminiscent of its earlier titles. You wouldn't want to pass up this title if you're a franchise fan.

Launch Date: January 18, 2024. 

3. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth | Story trailer

The two protagonists of the Like a Dragon franchise are teaming up. Kazuma Kiryu and Ichiban Kasuga are leaving the Japanese streets for the sunny shores of Hawaii. It's the first title to feature an overseas location and possibly the biggest game map in the franchise. Infinite Wealth unfolds as two emotional and intertwining storylines, where Kasuga is hellbent on finding his mother while Kiryu struggles with cancer. It's a fine balance between the old and the new as the duo reunites to help each other.

A stand-out feature of the upcoming title is the map. It features well-detailed locations filled with minigames and substories. A big map means you'll need a means of travel. Plenty of taxi stands are available, but the trolleys win the day. If you want to take in the gorgeous scenery of Hawaii, I'd recommend riding a trolley.

Infinite Wealth has a few familiar elements from the franchise, including the turn-based combat. You can choose a particular ‘job' that dictates your fighting style. For instance, Kiryu's ‘Dragon of Dojima' job lets you swap between multiple fight styles. Plus, you get to perform real-time combat. And that's not all. Infinite Wealth has been compared to Animal Crossing for its Dondoko Island minigame. Here, you get to unleash your Greta Thunberg and clean up an Island. The aim is to turn it from a trash Island into a five-star resort. 

Launch Date: January 26, 2024.

2. The Last of Us Part II Remastered

The Last of Us Part II Remastered - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games

Three years following the debut of The Last of Us Part II, Naughty Dog hit us with a curveball: a remastered version of its highly-grossing post-apocalyptic game. The Last of Us Part II Remastered will be coming to PS5 this January with plenty of exciting features. The roguelike mode, No Return, has amazing depth and plenty of characters to unlock. The mode also offers tons of customization features. There's also a customizable mode where you can tweak the mods, missions, and enemies you'll encounter. Moreover, the game leverages the PS5's hardware to offer exemplary graphics, which look incredible compared to their predecessor.

Besides the improved aesthetics, fans of the Last of Us TV series will delight in the dive into Ellie's dark tale. Plus, it features improved guitar mechanics, so if you want to break out into a tune, you have the full support of the DualSense controller's adaptive trigger function and haptics. 

Despite all the improvements, The Last of Us Part II Remastered is a heartbreaking tale. A few hours in, you'll wonder who's peeling onions in your room.

Launch Date: January 19, 2024.

1. Tekken 8

Tekken 8 - State of Play Sep 2022 Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games

Get ready for the ultimate showdown in Tekken 8—it's a massive leap forward from the previous game and easily one of the most hyped PlayStation 5 releases this month. As a long-time Tekken fan, my journey with the franchise goes back to the classic arcade days when button-smashing ruled. But over time, it's evolved into something more personal, getting to know the characters (not in a creepy way, though).

The eighth installment is all about embracing an aggressive play style, emphasizing offense over defense. Practice those combos because the more aggressive you are, the greater the rewards. A new gameplay feature, “Heat,” adds a heavy guard break and dishes out impressive chip damage.

But that's not all; Tekken 8 is shaking things up visually. Say goodbye to still images and hello to cinematic fighting sequences that focus on stage reactions and hilarious character interactions. The days of monotone narrations are over, too, with fresh voice lines for all characters. And to top it off, brace yourself for a visual feast. Tekken 8 is the first in the franchise to embrace the power of Unreal Engine 5, promising improved graphics that will blow your mind. 

Launch Date: January 26, 2024

So, do you agree with our top picks? Are there other titles you'd recommend as the most anticipated PlayStation 5 games coming out in January 2024? Let us know your thoughts on our socials here.
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