Microsoft unveils Diablo 4 bundle for the Xbox Series X

1 year ago 108

To help you take on the creatures plaguing Sanctuary, Microsoft unveiled the Diablo 4 bundle for the Xbox Series X ahead of the game’s release. Packed with tons of bonuses, you may have an easier time taking on the demons of Hell. If you’re in the market to get Microsoft’s new bundle, read on to find out what’s included.

Microsoft announces a Diablo 4 bundle for the Xbox Series X

Microsoft has unveiled that the Diablo 4 bundle will include the Xbox Series X, a controller, and the base game. It’ll have some items that could make you powerful while demon hunting. In a blog post, Microsoft confirms you’ll have many in-game items like the Light Barer Mount with Caparison of Faith Mount Armor, so you can spend less time traversing Sanctuary. Additionally, you’ll get Inarius Wings and Inarius Murloc Pet from Diablo 3.

To get these items, you must be signed in to your profile first, then link your account to your Xbox profile.

The Xbox Series X Diablo 4 bundle will be available on June 6 alongside the game release and will cost $559.99 USD, more than the console’s base price.

Pre-orders have gone live for the bundle via the Microsoft store as well.

Diablo 4 All Pre Order Items Including The Mounts Standing In Poses

Image via Microsoft

Defend Sanctuary again

An Early Access and an Open Beta for Diablo 4 happened earlier in March. It showcased the two coming features, by giving players a first look at the opening area – Fractured Peaks. Blizzard Entertainment has claimed the fourth game in the series is bigger and more alive. With towns acting as hubs, you and your friends could party up with fewer hassles. We also got a taste of the new events called World Bosses, these events will require you, your party, and many other players to take on and can be challenging. So the end game of Diablo 4 could be intriguing. The game also features swapping weapons, which wasn’t done before. If you read our handy guide, this new mechanic can be done easily and be less confusing.

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