KOTOR Remake is 'Alive and Well', Insists Saber Interactive CEO

3 months ago 66

"It's been in the press numerous times"

 Knights of the Old Republic

They say that no news is good news, but in the case of the carbonite-encased Knights of the Old Republic remake, apparently languishing in development hell, we'll take whatever scraps we can get. Now an independent entity free from the imploding Embracer Group, developer Saber Interactive's CEO, Matthew Karch, has acknowledged the project, albeit briefly.

Speaking to IGN, Karch confirmed that Saber got the game in the split and remains in active development, and seemed quite exasperated by the question: "It's clear, and it's obvious that we're working on this. It's been in the press numerous times. What I will say is that the game is alive and well, and we're dedicated to making sure we exceed consumer expectations."

As consumers, we love it when our expectations are exceeded, and we desperately hope that will be the case with the KOTOR remake whenever it finally sees the light of day. Considering the chaotic corporate environment in which it has existed, it's hard to get a clear picture, but it sounds like the game is still a fair way out; even expecting it to release in 2025 might be too optimistic.

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