How to upgrade Star Wars Outlaws ship

1 week ago 49

How do you upgrade your ship in Star Wars Outlaws? No Star Wars story is complete without a ship to call your own; the original story had the Millenium Falcon, and, well the more recent outings also had the Millenium Falcon, but it’s a cool ship so it gets a pass. Kay also has access to a ship – the Trailblazer – which she can use to get from planet to planet in her efforts to become an infamous scoundrel.

The Star Wars Outlaws release date has come and gone, and players are jetsetting around the Outer Rim, pulling the most outrageous heists we’ve seen this side of Tatooine. Getting to and from the various Star Wars Outlaws planets can offer its own dangers, with pirates and Imperial fighters rife in orbit – here’s how to upgrade your Star Wars Outlaws ship so you can stay safe while you’re off-planet.

A look at the weaponry in Trailblazer upgrades

You can upgrade the Trailblazer by visiting one of the many ship mechanics located in each of the major settlements. Upgrades are purchased using credits and various crafting materials. These materials can be purchased from merchants, found in space, or looted off enemy pirates in pirate territories and found in chests on different planets.

Here is every Star Wars Outlaws ship upgrade:



  • LC-50 LASER CANNON: A laser cannon used as the main weapon on the Trailblazer. Overheating may occur during extended use.
  • LC-60 LASER CANNON: A laser cannon upgrade that increases the rate of fire.
  • LC-70 LASER CANNON: A laser cannon upgrade that greatly increases the rate of fire.
  • C-K10A RAPID FIRE CANNON: An upgraded laser cannon that fires bursts and multiple targets.
  • C-K12B RAPID FIRE CANNON: An upgraded laser cannon that increases the rate of fire and burst duration.
  • C-5B PLASBURST CANNON: An advanced laser cannon that adds a charge function to deal great damage.
  • C-10 PLASBURST CANNON: An upgraded laser cannon that deals increased damage when charged.


  • M-52 CONCUSSION MISSILES: An agile missile type that deals light damage to enemies.
  • M-72 CONCUSSION MISSILES: An upgrade to missiles that increase the damage.
  • CM-2 ARANA CLUSTER MISSILES: An upgrade to the missiles that locks on multiple targets.
  • T-350 TORPEDOES: A less maneuverable missile type that deals great damage in a big explosion radius.
  • PT-240 PROTON TORPEDOES: An upgrade to missiles that increase the damage, explosion radius, and maneuverability.
  • M-1O4 ION MISSILES: A missile type with ionized energy that disables ships.
  • M-1O8 ION MISSILES: An upgrade to the missiles that increase damage and effectiveness.
  • TU-B4 LASER TURRET: Can be unlocked in the game.

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  • S15A DEFLECTOR SHIELD: A deflector shield surrounding the Trailblazer’s hull.
  • S30B DEFLECTOR SHIELD: A shield upgrade that increases its capacity.
  • S50C DEFLECTOR SHIELD: A shield upgrade that greatly increases its capacity.


  • H-AD DURALLORY HULL: A standard hull used in starships.
  • H-RD DURALLORY HULL: A hull upgrade that increases durability and adds an auto-repair function during combat.
  • H-SD DURALLORY HULL: A hull upgrade that greatly increases durability and enhances the auto-repair function during combat.



  • E-210 SUBLIGHT ENGINE: A standard ship engine.
  • E-310 SUBLIGHT ENGINE: An engine that increases speed during Travel Mode.
  • E-410 SUBLIGHT ENGINE: An engine upgrade that greatly increases speed during Travel Mode

Those Star Wars Outlaws ship upgrades should see you right when you’re on your travels. When your feet are on the ground, however, you’ll need to get familiar with Star Wars Outlaws Slicing and all the Star Wars Outlaws characters so you don’t land yourself in hot water.

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