How to make Opposite in Infinite Craft

2 months ago 127

It is time to bring a little bit of balance to the world of web browser games. Here is how to make Opposite in Infinite Craft.

Infinite Craft: How to make Opposite

Many elements are pretty unique and act as a good addition to your collection. And while getting popular characters sure sounds like a fine adventure to undergo, some elements carry a lot of power – and responsibility. Out of these elements, one that can help you get a lot of elements is Opposite, and as you can imagine, this opens up your possibilities. Don’t miss out on these and check out how to make Opposite in Infinite Craft.

Infinite Craft OppositeImage: PC Invasion

Opposite Recipes

Element 1Element 2Result
Dust BunnyYin YangOpposite

While there are some logical choices out of the recipes above like Antonym and Synonym, the fastest route to take is to combine Dust Bunny and Ying Yang to make Opposite in Infinite Craft. Now, I have no clue why combining both elements would yield Opposite. I mean, Rabbits and Ying Yang are both prominent in Chinese culture, but Opposite? Sometimes this game doesn’t make sense or I’m just plain ignorant, which usually is the case. Anyway, follow the table below to get Opposite.

Element 1Element 2Result
DragonPhoenixYin Yang
CurtainDustDust Bunny
Dust BunnyYin YangOpposite

Related: How to make Infinite Craft in Infinite Craft

And there you go! Be sure to experiment with Opposite and other elements so that you can craft many interesting results. For example, Jedi and Opposite makes Sith, and Avengers and Opposite makes the Justice League, so it sounds about right!

Do you want to preserve your progress after discovering so many unique recipes? Check out how to transfer save files in Infinite Craft.

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