How to Get more Revives in Pokemon Go

6 months ago 82

As longtime players know, revives in Pokemon Go are an important resource to manage in Pokemon Go. Revives can get used up quickly, especially if you regularly participate in raids, and battle other trainers or Team Rocket. Given the usefulness of revives, and the frequency of use, it becomes essential to manage this precious resource and Pokemon Go players are always on the lookout for more of them. Here is how to get more Revives in Pokemon Go.

What are Revives in Pokemon Go?

Revives can be used to bring back a fainted Pokemon after a battle with a raid boss, another trainer or Team Rocket grunts. You will only be able to use health potions on revived Pokemon so it becomes essential to revive Pokemon before you use potions or use them again for battle. There is another variety of revives called Max Revives which are even more sought-after. While revives only bring back your Pokemon, Max Revives will fully fill up their health bars.

Best methods to get more Revives in Pokemon Go

Players can collect Revives to keep their Pokemon conscious in a number of different ways. Most of these ways can be integrated into your existing Pokemon Go playstyle, without having to go out of your way much. You can simply play the game normally and passively collect them as you go. Here are all the ways you can get Revives in Pokemon Go:

  • Daily Free Box: Players have a chance of obtaining revives from the Daily Free Box, among other items.

  • Leveling Up: While certainly a long-term method for collecting Revives, leveling up has a chance to reward players with the item.

  • Opening Gifts: As always, don’t forget to exchange gifts, as they have a chance to grant players Revives.

  • Research Tasks: After completing a task, players will have the chance to earn Revives and other rewards.

  • Spinning the Photo Disc: Spinning the disc at PokeStops and Gyms will always give players the chance to earn a Revive.

  • Raid Battles: Raid Battles will often net players a few Revives after their completion, but it’s worth noting the challenge may require you to use just as many to recover.

  • Shop: Trainers can purchase a bundle containing six Max Revives from the in-game Shop for 180 PokeCoins.

  • Hopefully, this guide will help you find more ways to earn and collect Revives in Pokemon Go. Of course, a lot of these methods require you just to play the game and collect them passively over time.

That’s everything you need to know about getting more Revives while playing Pokemon Go.

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