How to find your Minecraft coordinates on mobile, PC, and consoles

1 year ago 211

Minecraft is home to such a massive world it can become easy to get lost or lose track of where you are. Navigating such a huge world can be tricky, but if you know how to find your Minecraft coordinates on mobile, PC, and consoles, it can be a little easier.

The world in Minecraft is randomly generated. However, the spawning of ores, structures, and biomes follows a certain pattern. Therefore, you can always find the approximate location of the ore you need using the coordinates. So, read on and find out how it can be done in Minecraft.

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Minecraft coordinates

Source: YouTube LeigerGaming

As we have already said, the generation of the world has certain patterns. For example, diamonds in the latest versions of the game spawn approximately at Y: -58 levels, and Redstone between Y: -63 and Y: 15 levels. Additionally, you can use console commands to teleport to your chosen coordinates.

So, as you can see, there are a lot of ways to use this feature. And to play the game with comfort, you have to learn how to navigate the world. Fortunately, this is much easier than it looks. Minecraft has three coordinates:

  • X-Axis - This value shows your position between west and east. If the value is negative (-25, -350, -487), the coordinates point to the west. And if the value is positive (25, 350, 487), then you are in the eastern part of the world.
  • Y-Axis - This value shows your vertical position. In other words, how high above or below the ground you are. Everything is simple here. A positive value indicates that you are upped, and a negative shows that you are below the standard ground level. Also, it is worth noting that the sea level in Minecraft is always at Y: 64 level.
  • Z-Axis - This value indicates your position between north and south. If the value is negative (-25, -350, -487) then the coordinates point north. And a positive value (25, 350, 487) points south.

Now, when you know about the coordinates (X: Y: Z:) in the game, you can use them to orient the world. But first, of course, you need to find Minecraft Coordinates. And the way to do this will be different depending on your device.

Minecraft featured background


Before entering the world or creating it, go to the settings menu. Find the Activate Cheats option and turn it on. Then, after entering the game world, click on the Chat button at the top of the screen. After that, you need to enter the /tp ~ ~ ~ command. This command will teleport you to the same place where you are and show your coordinates in the chat.


After entering the world, open the settings and go to the Chat Settings section. There you will find the Reduced Debug Info option which you need to enable. After that, you can find out debug information:

  • Mac - Press the key combinations Fn + F3 or Alt + Fn + F3.
  • Windows - Press the F3 key.

On the left, a lot of information will appear on your screen, including your XYZ coordinates. Also, you can use the teleport method. You need to enable Cheats in the settings for this. Then press the T button to open the chat and enter the /tp ~ ~ ~ command.


Character running with a pickaxe

On all consoles, you can activate cheats just as easily as on mobile. Just open the world settings and enable the appropriate option. After that, you need to go into your world and open the chat. You can do in in the following ways:

  • Xbox One - Press right on the D-Pad.
  • PS4 - Press right on the D-Pad.
  • Nintendo Switch - Click on the right arrow.

After that, you need to enter the /tp ~ ~ ~ command and teleport to the same place. After this, you will see your Minecraft coordinates.

That's all you need to know about how to find your Minecraft coordinates on mobile, PC, and consoles. By following our tips, you can quickly find your exact location in the world. And this will help you find your house, ores, and other structures fast. If you are looking for more content, make sure to check out our list of the best mobile games like Minecraft.

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