How to Change League of Legends Language?

9 months ago 109

League of Legends by Riot Games is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that was released in 2009. According to, a total of 150 Million players are registered in the game with over 117 Million monthly active players. With so many players in this game, the publisher allows players to choose from many languages. You might have chosen one language by default and while it can be confusing to change the language, it is still very much possible.

The process of changing the language is simple and straightforward but finding the settings could be hard if you do not know where to look for. Here’s all you need to know about changing your League of Legends language settings.

Changing your language in League of Legends

You should know that there are two options when it comes to changing your language. Riot Games allows you to either change your in-game language or your Riot client language.

First, let us take a look at how to change your Riot client language:

Changing Client Language

Changing your Riot client language is the easiest method. Here are some of the languages you can choose from: 

  • English (US/ PH/ SG)

  • Japanese

  • Dutch

  • Italian

  • French

  • German

  • Others

To change the client's language, follow these steps:

  • Open your Riot client, and make sure that you are signed out of your account.

  • Go to the profile icon on the top right-hand corner

  • Now go to Settings

  • You will Riot client language here

  • Finally select your preferred language

Changing in-game language

If you are looking to change the language in-game, you need to know that you will be modifying certain files. It is common knowledge that meddling with Riot’s game files is against terms of service. But given the fact that changing the language of the client does not give you a competitive advantage over your opponent, there is no likelihood that action would be taken against you.

1. Open the League of Legends Installation Directory which is by default C:/Riot Games/League of Legends. However, if you have installed the game on another drive, find it.

2. Create a League client shortcut by right-clicking “LeagueClient.” Then drag the shortcut to the desktop.

3. Right-click the shortcut and go to “Properties.”

4. Now, navigate and find the “Target” field. In this space, put one space after “D:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe” and add “–locale=X”

5. Now, the Target will read: D:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe” –locale=X

6. You can interchange the X with the following codes:

  • Japanese: ja_JP

  • Korean: ko_KR

  • Chinese: zh_CN

  • Taiwanese: zh_TW

  • Spanish (Spain): es_ES

  • Spanish (Latin America): es_MX

  • English: en_GB, en_AU, en_US

  • French: fr_FR

  • German: de_DE

  • Italian: it_IT

  • Polish: pl_PL

  • Romanian: ro_RO

  • Greek: el_GR

  • Portuguese: pt_BR

  • Hungarian: hu_HU

  • Russian: ru_RU

  • Turkish: tr_TR

For example: D:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe” –locale=tr_TR

7. Now, apply these changes and use the shortcut to play League with the intended language.

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