How old is Reina in Tekken 8

3 months ago 112

Reina is the newest mystery in Tekken 8. And while her origin has mostly been figured out by now, Reina’s age is still a massive question mark surrounding her entire character. It may not seem important, but the devil is in the details.

Can we figure out how old Reina is in Tekken 8

Until the developer gives us a concrete answer, there’s no real way of knowing Reina’s true age in Tekken 8. But there are a couple of ways we can estimate and infer how old she is. She was most likely born sometime during the big gap between Tekken 2 and 3. There are about 17 years of Tekken history that’s mostly unaccounted for. And frankly, this is the only block of time that would really make any sense.

Alright, I’m about to spoil some stuff about Reina now so avert your eyes if you haven’t experienced Tekken 8’s story mode yet.

At the very end of the Tekken 8 story mode, Reina reveals that Heihachi Mishima is indeed her father. Which makes her the half-sister of Kazuya Mishima and weirdly an aunt of Jin Kazama. This is where things get a bit confusing because Reina refers to Jin as “senpai” in the story mode. Which is the Japanese way to refer to someone who is either older or of a higher rank. So, this could either be Reina confirming that she is younger than Jin, or just a mind game she’s playing on him which also makes sense.

Reina also confirms that she just left Mishima Polytechnical High School during the Tekken 8 story mode. So at the very least, we can conclude that she has to be in her early 20s.

Tekken 8 Reina Age Explained 2Screenshot: PC Invasion

A rough guess for Reina’s age

From all the evidence I’ve seen from Tekken 8, I’d say Reina has to either be the same age as Jin or perhaps a year or two younger. Jin is 22 by the time of Tekken 8, so I’m comfortable saying Reina is somewhere between 20 and 22. Again, this isn’t confirmed and the developer could easily throw a curveball our way regarding all this.

At the end of the day, the Mishima family tree is long and confusing. But you can always count on a few things. They’ll almost always betray each other, and none of them go down easily. So whatever happens next with Reina will likely be something spectacular. After all. even in the bad ending of Tekken 8, the story tees up a big setup with her going forward.

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