Hogwarts Legacy: Evil Wizard/Witch Guide

1 year ago 170

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually need to be a Slytherin to be an evil wizard or witch in Hogwarts Legacy. Truth be told, even a well-defined Hufflepuff—a house known for being wholesome and friendly—can swindle a first-year into practically giving away their hard-earned Gobstones. Question is, how do you go about becoming this questionably rebellious student, and how do you funnel your inner corrupt self into the day-to-day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Before we continue, it is worth pointing out that, as much of a missed opportunity as it was for Portkey Games to not include a morality system of any kind into the gameplay itself, your choices in and around Hogwarts do have consequences. Sadly, a lot of acts that would usually result in your immediate arrest don’t apply here, so you needn’t worry about winding up in Azkaban over your twenty-plus hour journey. Nevertheless, if you do fancy the idea of being as evil as evil can be, then read on. Here’s everything you need to know about becoming Hogwarts’ most notorious fifteen-year-old villain.

Can You Be Evil in Hogwarts Legacy?

In short, yes. The longer answer, however, is that it all depends on how you yourself would honestly define “evil.” The fact is, as there is no morality system whatsoever to use as a point of reference, it’s hard to say how evil you really are. That said, there are plenty of dialogue options and spells for you to learn that will put you on a much darker path compared to most. So, if you are wanting to venture down the route that’s anything but blessed with comradery and happy-go-lucky shenanigans, then read on.

Dialogue Is Everything

As you pass through the opening Assignments and unlock the World Map, both Side Quests and Friendship Quests will become available by the boatload, with which you will need to track and interact with in order to get your shot at summoning your mischievous persona. It’s mostly during these side activities that you will have the opportunity to shape your custom wizard or witch, as the dialogue you choose between action sequences will truly define your personality.

True to the RPG blueprint, a huge portion of the quests will involve fetching items or keepsakes for your fellow students and faculty members. Now, if you’re really wanting to follow the evil path from the get-go, you’re going to want to select the dialogue options that result in you keeping the loot, rather than handing it over to its rightful owners. Either that, or settle for the middle lane by asking for a fee for your services. Whatever your preference, chances are the recipient will hate you for being so stubborn about it.

The Unforgivable Curses

The Unforgivable Curses are deemed the most taboo sorts of spells in the wizarding world; using any of them, of course, means punching a one-way ticket to Azkaban prison. To this end, Hogwarts simply does not teach you any of said taboo spells. That said, you can acquire them much later on in the game through a pipeline of under-the-counter quests. By obtaining any of these dreaded curses, you will ultimately receive the mark of an evil wizard or witch, which, assuming you’ve found this guide with intent, is precisely what you’re after.

The Unforgivable Curses are as follows: Crucio, a spell that temporarily stuns and tortures its target; Imperio, a spell that causes the target to lose control and attack their own team; and Avada Kedavra, the ultimate killing curse that, quite frankly, needs no introduction. To obtain any of these spells, you will first need to reach level 16, at which point you will be able to speak with Sebastian Sallows, a Slytherin student who can be found around the grounds of Hogwarts. Note that you will need to be level 28 in order to beat the final side quest in the chain. Do so, and you’ll eventually walk away with an arsenal as powerful and as unstoppable as the Dark Lord’s.

Looting Is Essential

After you reach the main quest “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament,” you will need to learn Alohomora, a spell that essentially lets you wheedle your way into locked doors and chests. It goes without saying that, if you’re planning on being a fowl little cockroach of a student, then you’re going going to want to steal…a lot. And we’re not just talking about the odd apple from a fellow student’s bedside table, but all of their possessions. To do this, you will need to master the aforementioned spell, and subsequently learn both levels two and three of the skill.

Once you’ve beaten the above quest, you will need to bring two ingredients to Gladwin Moon: Demiguise Statues, and Demiguise Moons. Acquiring enough of these items will grant you the best possible lockpicking skills, with which you can use to sneak around Hogwarts and rob the faculty and students blind. Are there consequences for petty theft? Not really, but then, people won’t exactly love you for stealing their robes and lacewing flies, either.

To Conclude

In short, if you’re planning on being an evil wizard or witch in Hogwarts Legacy, then you’re going to need to do the following things:

  • Choose every selfish or self-centred dialogue option whenever the option to do so arises.
  • Learn Alohomora and loot chests that belong to both faculty members and students.
  • Befriend Sebastian Sallows after reaching level 16 and master the Unforgivable Curses, particularly Avada Kedavra.
  • Additionally, when you get the chance to find poor ol’ Zenobia Noke’s stolen Gobstones, be sure to keep them at the end of the quest. This won’t change a great deal, but it is perhaps one of the most unnecessarily cruel things you can do to a first-year.

So, what’s your take? Do you think being an evil wizard or witch is all it’s cracked up to be? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

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