Hero of Aethric, a classic RPG that is the sequel to Orna: the GPS RPG, launches on Android and iOS

1 year ago 298

Last year, Northern Forge Studios announced a sequel to the hit title Orna: The GPS RPG, titled Hero of Aethric: An Orna RPG. It takes a slightly different route from geolocation to becoming a turn-based MMORPG. The title has been in early access for the last two months and after amassing 850k players, Hero of Aethric has officially launched.

Hero of Aethric mixes the old and the new by drawing inspiration from classic JRPGs but also adding a modern touch by adding multiplayer and live-service elements. It takes place on the continent of Aethric, a pixel-art fantasy world. What was once a peaceful region, underwent a cataclysmic event that it is still recovering from.

The journey will be a perilous one as it will be plagued by loads of monsters. The RPG part of the game shines with over 50 unlockable classes, character levelling, multiple gears and spells to create unique load-outs, and a bunch of exclusive loot. Customization will be plentiful, allowing players to create loads of powerful combos.

As a live service, Hero of Aethric will constantly receive content updates featuring events, features, and cosmetics. Recently, a patch called Towers of Olympia went live, which introduced 22 more endgame classes to add more diversity to the system. Players can also enjoy a new roguelite-inspired dungeon with a Titan on the top floor.

Hero of Aethric is finally out of the early access phase with a full launch featuring more endgame content, new explorable zones, and a number of QoL improvements. You can download the game now by using one of the links below. It is free-to-play with in-app purchases. For more information visit their Facebook page and join the rest of the community on the official subreddit.

Looking for more role-playing titles that take you to fantasy worlds? Then, check out this list of the best RPGs to play on mobile!

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