HBO Show Will Influence The Last of Us Part 3

1 year ago 92

Neil Druckmann, creator of the acclaimed Last of Us series, has shared his thoughts on a The Last of Us Part 3, and how elements from the HBO adaptation could somehow tie into it.

It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but the fact is, Naughty Dog is definitely cooking something up from the shadows. As for what this mysterious project is is still anybody’s guess, though given the fact that the HBO adaptation of The Last of Us recently aired its final episode, the most plausible answer would be a third part to the video game series.

It makes sense, what with the IP being one of the most commercially successful things in gaming history. And let’s be fair, given Naughty Dog’s lineage of undisputed award-winning series, a third game certainly wouldn’t go without a global backing. But again, until Druckmann sheds light on the matter, the IP will pretty much fade out with HBO.

“If we ever revisit them in game form…”

“If we ever revisit them in game form,” Druckmann said in an interview with EL ESPAÑOL. “Which remains to be seen, there are definitely elements that I’m going to take from the series that would apply to the games.”

So, how exactly will this shake up the series? Well, that remains to be heard. And again, this isn’t to say Druckmann is guaranteed to return to The Last of Us at all. But if a third game is in the works, then a second watch could very well be in order.

Whatever the case, Naughty Dog is bound to share some additional details on the subject in the future. And for when it does, we’ll be sure to let you know right here on

So, what’s your take? Do you think we’ll see The Last of Us Part 3 at any point in the next few years? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.

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