Guide: Best Star Wars Video Games - Every Star Wars Game On Nintendo Systems Ranked

1 year ago 139
Star Wars Games RankedImage: Nintendo Life

It's May 4th! Yes, May the fourth is with us (hmm, that doesn't really work) and we're republishing our ranked list of every Star Wars game on Nintendo consoles, but now with a twist! We've rejigged the ranked list below to be governed by each game's User Rating in our database, meaning that the order is now dynamic and entirely reader-ranked — and subject to real-time change, even after publication.

In order to rate any of the games on the list below out of 10, logged-in Nintendo Life users can simply tap the 'star', assign it a personal rating, and refresh the page to see any changes reflected. With various of the games in the lower half of the list only having a handful of ratings at the time of writing, there's plenty of potential for change in the coming days. It will be fascinating to see how the ranking shakes down as we move onto May 5th, May 6th, and other similarly un-Star Wars-y dates. Enjoy!

The release of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker in 2019 may have 'ended' Star Wars as we've known it for the past four-and-a-half decades, but all it really did was tie a bow on the cinematic tales of the Skywalker clan and the nine-film saga which began way back in 1977. After all, Star Wars is never really gone.

Streaming platform Disney+ has all the movies in 4K, plus shows like The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, and a deluge of other TV projects, and not forgetting new trilogies, spin-offs movies, games, and much more in the pipeline. Yep, that galaxy far, far away will be coming at you across all media for a long time to come.

The franchise has a long and storied history with video games, too. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor might be grabbing all the galactic gaming headlines at the moment, but there are plenty of Star Wars games to play on Switch, too. Below we take a look back at nigh-on every Star Wars game on Nintendo systems in the West, ranked from worst to best by you, dear readers.

To keep things tidier, in instances where the same game was released on multiple platforms, we've opted to mention the lesser of the two — invariably the portable version — in the other's entry.

So, come with us on a journey to a galaxy fa—oh you know the rest. We begin at the bottom, so beware that the Force is not strong with many of these...

39. Star Wars: The New Droid Army (GBA)

 The New Droid Army (GBA)

 The New Droid Army (GBA)

Publisher: THQ / Developer: Helixe

Release Date: Nov 2002 (USA)

An isometric platformer that takes place between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, you control the petulant young Skywalker in this stodgy action game. Considering the platform it's on, the game looks and sounds okay. Beyond that, though, it's dull, repetitive and so s-l-o-w. Anakin, you're breaking our heart.

38. Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (GBA)

 Jedi Power Battles (GBA)

 Jedi Power Battles (GBA)

Publisher: THQ / Developer: HotGen

Release Date: Nov 2001 (USA)

With passable animation and audio (especially considering the system) and boring, finicky platforming, Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles falls into a regretfully familiar pattern of portable Star Wars games. It's not as hateful as some, and it's a little faster-paced than New Droid Army, but it's a similar story. Perhaps developer HotGen was trying to faithfully capture the excitement of The Phantom Menace's trade disputes, in which case job done. Some might call the non-canon blue lightsaber wielded by Mace Windu on the cover unforgivable, but we were too bored to care.

37. Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (GBA)

 Flight of the Falcon (GBA)

 Flight of the Falcon (GBA)

Anyone who's only ever played Star Wars games on a Game Boy deserves your pity. Retro Nintendo portables had a lot of things going for them, but a high midi-chlorian count wasn't one of them.

Flight of the Falcon is one of the very worst Star Wars games ever because it's got Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon on the cover — the two coolest things in the Star Wars universe — and it sullies their good names. As with all terrible Star Wars games, the iconography fools you into thinking 'ah, it can't be that bad!', but our review conclusion sums this up perfectly: "Flight of the Falcon is a very bad game. As such, you should not play it. However cool the screenshots look, however promising the premise sounds, just remember that the Force is not with this one in any way, shape or form."

Han, mah boogie, you deserved better.

36. Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (GBA)

 Attack of the Clones (GBA)

 Attack of the Clones (GBA)

Publisher: THQ / Developer: David A. Palmer Productions

Release Date: May 2002 (USA)

Fittingly, the weakest movie in the saga got one of the weakest Star Wars games ever. Normally we'd caveat a statement like that with 'arguably', but Episode II really is inescapably pants for the most part (except for that Yoda bit at the end — we remember quite liking that).

The tie-in GBA game is a turgid side-scrolling beat 'em up that lacks the artistic polish even the dullest Star Wars games bring to the table. Coarse, rough, and irritating, indeed.

35. Star Wars: Yoda Stories (GBC)

 Yoda Stories (GBC)

 Yoda Stories (GBC)

Publisher: THQ / Developer: LucasArts

Release Date: Dec 1999 (USA) / 1st Dec 1999 (UK/EU)

You have to remember that while Yoda is a beloved character, this game came before we'd ever seen him wield a lightsaber in what is easily the best scene in Attack of the Clones. Despite the name, in Yoda Stories you control Luke Skywalker in a top-down adventure as he chops snakes in two with his laser sword. How bad can that be?...

Really quite bad, it turns out. 'Sedate' is too generous a word, and the whole game is a technical embarrassment. It's tempting to blame the hardware, but then you look at Link's Awakening and see what might have been. Link's Awakening this ain't. Poodoo, plain and simple.

33. Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures (GBC)

 Obi-Wan's Adventures (GBC)

 Obi-Wan's Adventures (GBC)

Publisher: THQ / Developer: HotGen

Release Date: Nov 2000 (USA) / 8th Dec 2000 (UK/EU)

Another one quick to tick the 'dull' and 'repetitive' boxes, if you think the isometric adventures on the GBA were tough going on the eyes, Obi-Wan's Adventures takes that style of game back a console generation in an 'adventure' set concurrently against the events of Episode 1. It's not awful, just ugly and entirely pedestrian.

32. Angry Birds Star Wars (Wii U)

Angry Birds Star Wars (Wii U)

Angry Birds Star Wars (Wii U)

Publisher: Activision / Developer: Exient

Release Date: 29th Oct 2013 (USA) / 1st Nov 2013 (UK/EU)

Angry Birds — remember them? This Star Wars crossover came out for Wii and 3DS as well, and although the comedy of the mash-up might not be to everyone's tastes, it's a fun little time sink all the same. It suffered from being massively overpriced on consoles, but the core Angry Birds gameplay is as fun as it ever was, except this had TIE Fighters with pig faces. What's not to like?

31. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES)

 The Empire Strikes Back (NES)

 The Empire Strikes Back (NES)

Publisher: JVC / Developer: Lucasfilm Games

Release Date: Mar 1992 (USA)

A relatively ho-hum 8-bit platformer where you play as young Skywalker battling through variations of the locations from the movie, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back could not be more average. For kids desperate to play as hero Luke, it was passable filler but no more.

A Game Boy version also exists, but if you're gagging to play through the best film of the saga in video game form, you're much better off going with the 16-bit 'Super' iteration. Indeed, LucasArts didn't even bother with an 8-bit Return of the Jedi — the developer simply jumped generations and started afresh with Super Star Wars on the SNES.

30. Star Wars: Lethal Alliance (DS)

 Lethal Alliance (DS)

 Lethal Alliance (DS)

Publisher: Ubisoft / Developer: Ubisoft

Release Date: 6th Jul 2006 (USA) / 15th Dec 2006 (UK/EU)

Another Ubisoft entry, Star Wars: Lethal Alliance put a Twi'lek names Rianna on the cover, which is about the most exciting thing it has going for this third-person shooter. Ditching lightsabers for blasters, the story introduces characters new and old (Kyle Katarn's in it) and features the theft of the Death Star plans before Rogue One arrived to wipe the canon clean. With obligatory touchscreen shenanigans because DS, it's not awful by any means, just generic.

Star Wars deserves better, no?

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