Google Engineers Responsibly Report PS Portal Exploit, Ending Potential PSP Emulation

4 weeks ago 41


PS Portal

In February, we brought you word of a group of Google engineers who, apparently just for fun, managed to hack Sony's streaming PS Portal to run emulated PSP games offline. Being courageous White Hat types, the group "responsibly reported" the issues to Sony. The exploit was quietly fixed in patch 2.0.6, which also seems to have improved video quality significantly, despite neither being listed in the patch notes.

The group's spokesperson appears to be Andy Nguyen, who yesterday took to Twitter to announce that Sony had addressed the bugs that made the hack possible. As you might imagine, the announcement was met with criticism from members of the emulation community, who took umbrage with Nguyen's Lawful Good actions and strict adherence to a code of hacking ethics.

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