Gods Reign, a prominent esports organization in India, has recently unveiled their highly anticipated Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) lineup. Committed to maintaining their dominant position in the Battle Royale genre, the organization has carefully selected a talented roster of players for their BGMI team. Led by Robin "Robin" Singh Shekhawat, the team's in-game leader (IGL), the BGMI lineup features a formidable group of assaulters. Shubham "NinjaJOD" Sahoo and Harsh "Aquanox" Rao bring their exceptional skills and reflexes to the team, while Hamza "Blaze" Hyderabadwala, who previously played alongside them under the Team Solo Mid (TSM) banner, completes the lineup.
Despite TSM's decision to pause operations in India, these players opted to stick together and continue their journey under the Gods Reign banner.
Gods Reign Unveils Highly Anticipated BGMI Lineup Led by Robin Singh Shekhawat
The announcement of Gods Reign's BGMI roster has generated excitement within the esports community. K.R. Rohith, CEO of Gods Reign, expressed great pleasure and anticipation as they introduced their latest lineup. With a wealth of talent and experience, the organization firmly believes that this roster of skilled individuals will cement their prominence in the BGMI ecosystem.
The previous TSM lineup, now representing Gods Reign, has achieved remarkable milestones. Victories in prestigious tournaments like Skyesports Mobile Open and Nodwin x Loco All-Stars Invitational demonstrate their prowess. Moreover, their commendable second-place finish in the renowned Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 further solidified their position as a force to be reckoned with. Players such as NinjaJod and Aquanox are widely recognized for their reflexes and outstanding performance in the game.
Robin, the IGL for Gods Reign's BGMI lineup, expressed immense pride in playing for such a prominent esports organization. He emphasized the team's unity, dedication, and unwavering commitment to BGMI, even during its unavailability. This perseverance allowed them to refine their strategic approach, gameplay, and communication. Now that the game has made its return, Robin exudes confidence in their ability to execute their plans effectively and emerge victorious in upcoming tournaments.
The BGMI lineup is eagerly preparing to compete under their new name for the first time in the Skyesports Championship series 2023. With a substantial prize pool of INR 25,00,000, this tournament presents a golden opportunity for Gods Reign to showcase their skills and demonstrate their dominance in the BGMI scene. The organization's strong belief in their new roster underscores their determination to establish themselves as champions in the BGMI ecosystem.
The team is all set to compete under a new name for the first time in the Skyesports Championship series 2023, which has a massive prizepool of INR 25 Lakh and is all set to begin from 9th June 2023. Gods Reign had recently signed a CSGO Roster, which will compete in Skyesports Masters, an event with INR 2 Crore as prizepool.