Fortnite's own developers don't seem thrilled at Elon Musk's Cybertruck being added to the game

1 month ago 77
The Cybertruck in Fortnite. Image credit: Epic Games

Reaction to yesterday's reveal of the Tesla Cybertruck in Fortnite has been swift from players and Epic Games' own developers alike.

In a rare show of public disapproval, several Epic Games staff have taken to social media to give their personal takes on the addition of Elon Musk's car to the game.

"Reminder that 1) Voting with your wallet works and sentiment on social media is a tangible factor," Fortnite Festival producer Kyle Wynn wrote. "2) Companies are composed of lots of different people with their own unique opinions. 3) That truck looks fucking silly and the CEO of that company is a piece of shit."

"Reminder that opinions are mine and mine alone," another Epic Games developer who has since locked their X account wrote. "Destroy on sight [middle finger emoji]."

On reddit and X, numerous fans have said they will actively hunt out players using the Cybertruck on sight, and called upon other players to put down their weapons and team up against anyone driving the vehicle.

Fortnite is, at the time of writing, currently in downtime as the game's latest patch is pumped out. But dataminers peering into the update's files have discovered that the Cybertruck appears to be a free reward, given away upon completion of a new questline.

The Cybertruck being made free to acquire would be a curious move from Epic Games, as yesterday's trailer gave no suggestion it would be given away. But in doing so, Epic would sidestep the matter of asking players to pay up for the in-game vehicle, with some portion of the proceeds presumably going to Musk himself.

We'll update again when the Cybertruck's method of acquisition is formally announced.

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