Final Fantasy 14's In-Universe Tural Tourism Board Invites You to Take a Tropical Holiday

2 days ago 30

To the New Zealand of Eorzea

Final Fantasy XIV PS5 PS4 PlayStation

Final Fantasy XIV's eagerly-anticipated next expansion, Dawntrail, is almost upon us (launching 2nd July), and it could be the relaxing tropical holiday from reality you need. In a shockingly involved bit of marketing, Square Enix has whipped up an in-universe travel website that extolls the virtues of Tural, even roping in the ever-delightful Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords) to play its cheerful interim tourism director.

The website contains a wealth of information on the new content coming to the game, presented as a send-up of travel sites. There is a Things to Do section, "Job" adverts, and a primer on Turali culture. We particularly like the services in the Health and Wellness section. Cactuar acupuncture, anyone? How about some Moblin meditation?

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