Feature: Catch-Up Crew: Donkey Kong Country - "I Liked His Big Red, Er, Ribbit-Bag?"

4 hours ago 25

Catching up with the DK crew

Donkey Kong CountryImage: Nintendo Life

Welcome aboard once again for this edition of Catch-up Crew, the series where the senior staff of the USS Nintendo Life do what every good crew should do on a seat-of-your-pants cosmic adventure - adjourn to the observation lounge for a conference.

Yes, we're back at the table to discuss a classic video game that at least one of us hasn't ever played. Last month we looked at F-Zero X. This time, we're heading further back - Rareware's Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo is the subject of illumination. Available to play on Switch for anybody with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, will it hold up nearly 30 years on from its 16-bit debut?

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