Breaking down and obsessing over Shadow of the Erdtree’s new characters

2 months ago 102

The wait for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is almost over. FromSoftware and Bandai Namco released the first trailer for the game on Wednesday, revealing that the highly anticipated DLC for the open-world role-playing game will be released on June 21.

The trailer ran just over three minutes long, but the developers packed it with looks at several new characters and monstrosities coming as part of the expansion. Between that and new images included in the announcement, we have plenty of hotties, weirdos, and straight-up horrors to look forward to. Let’s break it down.

Messmer the Impaler

Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

Out of all the characters shown, Messmer the Impaler came out on top as the clear star of the new trailer. In an interview with IGN, Hidetaka Miyazaki said that Messmer will play a central role in the DLC and has a story that fits the expansion’s main theme of “shadow.” According to Miyazaki, Messmer’s throne is the same one from the palace room where you fight Morgott, which is “supposed to symbolize that Messmer stands on equal footing to these other demigods and children of Marika.”

Besides being a key character, Messmer also has a great design. He wears a long red snake and has lustrous red locks. It’s no wonder that he’s already inspired fans to thirst-post about him online. If you’re already obsessed, here’s good news: Messmer comes with the Collector’s Edition of the game.

Miquella, is that you?

At the very end of the trailer, the developers teased one more character. We don’t see their face, but it shows a brief shot of them and their glowing locks from behind. The developers have not confirmed who it is, but it’s possible it could be Miquella of the Haligtree, the demigod and twin brother of Malenia. We know from the trailer and description of the game that Miquella will play a central role in the new DLC so it’s possible this could be his first real appearance.

New possible bosses in Shadow of the Erdtree

  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

One point in the trailer flashes between several characters in quick succession. Fans are speculating that they each could be a key boss fight in the Tarnished’s journey through the Land of Shadow. Each looks fearsome and creepy in their own way and you can flip through a slideshow of them above. My personal favorite is the creepy dame who looks like a carcass laying in a violet forest and the chunky suit of armor with his pot.

The return of the Academy of Raya Lucaria

 Shadow of the Erdtree trailer. They wear an ornamented headpiece and look somewhat regal or formal. Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

The trailer showed a person sitting on throne in a dark palace. We only get a very brief look so there isn’t much to go by, but the setting and design may hint this character could be part of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, home to the Glintstone Sorcerers and scholars.

The scariest possible boss fight shown in the Shadow of the Erdtree trailer

 Shadow of the Erdtree trailer. It almost looks like a massive humanoid bundle of sticks that’s one fire and walking around. It also has a mask for a face. Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

Out of all the monsters shown, this giant flaming basket case looked particularly fearsome. It’s size alone would scare me away. It towers over everything around it and looks like it has the potential to burn down entire forests and kill the Tarnished over and over.

This scary worm monster stole the show

 Shadow of the Erdtree trailer.  Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

The trailer showed a worm monster that can leech off the head of a character. There isn’t much to say here other than I don’t want to be the person in this scenario.

More Lion Guardians

 Shadow of the Erdtree trailer. Its eyes have a feint, grey glow and its hair looks raggedy. Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

The trailer showed a fight against a ghastly lion-like monster. The design reminds me a lot of the Lion Guardians from the base game so it’s possible the DLC will add even more of them to protect its castles.

More new Elden Ring monsters

  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco
  • Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco

Both the trailer and released screenshots teased quite a few monsters that the Tarnished will encounter in the Land of the Shadow. At this point, it’s hard to tell what is or isn’t a boss fight, but each monster looks impressive regardless. Some, like this glowing worm, look a bit too cute to take on in a full fight, but others look like strong enough to pose formidable challenges to the Tarnished. Flip through the images to check out all the creatures shown in the trailer. Overall, it’s looking like this journey will be a fearsome one.

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