Bethesda Shares Starfield Timeline and Lore Before Release

9 months ago 227

Bethesda Studios is gearing up for the release of Starfield, which is now just a month away from launching.

The official website of Starfield has been updated with a timeline that showcases a deeply layered storyline.

The lore takes a deep dive into the story 300 years before the game starts, displaying when the actual plot begins.

The highly anticipated role playing game Starfield is just a month away from its release. Taking to Starfield’s official website, Bethesda has added a timeline update, diving deep into the lore. The timeline takes fans back in time, when the game’s plot began. It covers over 300 years of story, a historical dive into the sci-fi world of Starfield. 

The timeline provides valuable information about the game’s characters and setting. The timeline spans across 300 years, starting from 2025, when humans arrive on Mars, up to 2328, when the Starstation L-868 is purchased by Constellation upon Barrett’s request. And the game begins in 2330 A.D. 

History of Starfield

The timeline, starting in 2050, first informs players about the arrival of humans on Mars. By 2100, human civilization has been established in space. In 2156, humans arrive in Aplha Centauri, and in 2159, the United Colonies are established. Next year, the United Colonies founded New Atlantis, making it the capital in 2161. By 2196, the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective had clashed in a war, fighting one another for possession of the Narion System. This is the Narion War. 

Starfield Timeline
Starfield Timeline

The war lasts from 2196 to 2216, when peace is restored. The Freestar Collective founded an elite protective organization called the Freestar Rangers in 2221. A space exploration organization called Constellation, working for Starfield, was founded in 2275. In 2305, Barrette joins Constellation. 

Starfield Timeline

However, due to the Freestar Collective breaking the Treaty of Narion, the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective clashed again in a war. This is the Colony War, which takes place in 2307. During the war, Constellation comes across its first artifact, tucking it away in the Constellation archives. The war lasts until 2311, with the Freestar Collective taking down major ships of the United Colonies Navy with the help of hit-and-run tactics. 

Starfield Timeline
Starfield Timeline

Several people become part of the Constellation throughout the timeline, showcasing the colorful cast of characters in the story. This timeline helps players familiarize themselves with the rich lore of the story about mankind’s colonization of space. 

Starfield Timeline

Starfield is set to release on 9th September 2023. This timeline has generated ripples of excitement among fans as they gear up for the upcoming release. Fans believe that there is a lot more to the story, and that will unfold as players get an opportunity to explore the open role playing world. 

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