Best Warhammer 40K starter sets

2 days ago 40

There are a few starter sets to start your Warhammer 40K journey affordably. Picking a starter set may be daunting, however.

Which Warhammer 40K starter set should you choose?

There are a few ways to get into Warhammer 40K, with the primary option being starter sets. There are three starter sets to choose from, each providing you with different amounts of goodies for relatively cheap prices. However, the combat patrols also provide an excellent intro to the hobby whilst remaining cost-effective.

Note that the current starter sets provide you with Space Marines and Tyranids, two of the many factions in Warhammer 40K. If you have an army in mind, or don’t want those armies, then the combat patrols will be what you’re after.

Warhammer 40K Introductory Set – cheapest

warhammer 40K introductory setImage: Games Workshop

The Warhammer 40K Introductory Set allows for a taste of all aspects of the hobby in one purchase, even if it doesn’t provide a good experience with the game itself.

This is the starter kit for you if you don’t want to spend much money before committing. Granted, it won’t provide you much experience in the way of the game itself, but it will teach you the basic rules and provide everything you will need to assemble and paint the models. Note that you’ll need to purchase plastic glue separately.

The Introductory Set includes:

  • A few Space Marine models
  • A few Tyranid models
  • Paints
  • Cutters
  • A Brush
  • A gaming mat
  • Tokens, and ruler, and dice
  • Handbook

You should buy this starter kit if you want a small taste of everything the hobby has to offer before you commit and spend a lot of money.

Warhammer 40K Starter Set – best value

warhammer 40k starter setImage: Games Workshop

The Warhammer 40K Starter Set allows for full tabletop gaming by providing two small armies and all you’d need to play.

Although this kit doesn’t help you construct the models, meaning you’ll need to purchase glue and cutters separately, you’ll have everything you need to play. Note that this set also excludes the paints and brush, which aren’t necessary for playing the game. Considering the number of miniatures you’ll receive, this Starter Set is of great value.

The Starter Set includes:

  • Small Space Marine army
  • Small Tyranid army
  • A gaming mat
  • Tokens, ruler, and dice
  • Handbook
  • Reference sheets

You should buy this set if you are ready to play proper Warhammer 40K games and want an affordable entry.

Warhammer 40K Ultimate Starter Set – great for enthusiasts

warhammer 40k ultimate starter setImage: Games Workshop

The Warhammer 40K Ultimate Starter Set is excellent for enthusiasts, but exclusively so. This provides for a rich entry into the hobby with thematic extras.

An upgrade to the Starter Set, the Ultimate Starter Set is packed with a few more models and terrain, allowing for much more exciting and dynamic battles. Terrain is what makes every Warhammer 40K game interesting, and this will set you up for them. However, terrain is unnecessary to play the game, so don’t worry too much about it.

The Ultimate Starter Set includes:

  • Small Space Marine army
  • Sprawling Tyranid army
  • A gaming mat
  • Tokens, ruler, and dice
  • Core Rules booklet
  • Handbook
  • Reference sheets

You should buy this set if you don’t mind the expense and are ready to dive head-first into Warhammer 40K.

Any Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol – an alternative

warhammer 40k combat patrolsImage: Destructoid, Games Workshop

Although the Starter Sets provide a nice intro to Warhammer 40K, you’ve likely noticed that each of them only concerns two factions: the Space Marines and Tyranids. There are so many more armies to play with that don’t get starter kit treatment. But what every faction does have are combat patrols.

Combat patrols are large groupings of units belonging to one faction that make a 500pt small army perfect for starting or expanding your army. I find each combat patrol to be balanced and provide a rich mixture of units, something the starter sets don’t do.

If you have an army in mind, you can’t go wrong with getting their combat patrol.

Although you won’t get two armies, so a friend would have to purchase a set for themselves for you to do battle. However, you’ll both bring larger armies to the table that are fantastic value for money. Battles of this scale and variety are something the starter sets can’t do alone.

Do note that the combat patrols do not include anything to help you actually play the game or construct the miniatures. For that, you’ll need to purchase the equipment and that army’s Codex, which, depending on the army, can inflate the amount you’ll be paying by a considerable amount.

Although combat patrols are fantastic value for money and allow you to really get your force going, they are more expensive overall when you factor in equipment to play the game — something the starter kits include.

There is a combat patrol for every faction, so to have a good look when choosing your army. If such a choice is overwhelming, and you’re trying to factor in which is best, whose lore is cooler, or whose army is meta, then simply choose the one that looks the best. Worst case scenario, you have a cool and able force ready to fight your main army when you decide.

You should buy a combat patrol if you don’t want to play with the Space Marines and Tyranids and want to really start amassing your army for play.

Now that you know all the ways to begin your Warhammer 40K journey, you must choose one. You can’t really go wrong here, as you can always expand upon your choice to make it what you want.

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