Best Skills in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

2 months ago 94

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden has a relatively simple skills system. It comprises of five skill trees unlocked in an orderly sequence as you advance through the game and get Antea to unlock new abilities. Notably, each skill tree in the sequence offers slightly more skills than the last one. Moreover, some skills are more efficient than others, although you can only unlock them in a sequential order.

Overall, skills go a long way in getting you through the dangers and challenges in the game. Here is an overview of the five best skills in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden based on the order in which you can unlock them.

5. Tag Team – Red & Antea

Banishers: Antea/Red TagTeam

Tag Team is the very first skill you can unlock in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. It is available under the Unveil Tree and applies to Red. Notably, it is a crucial skill that you can use throughout the entire game.

This skill helps improve the efficiency of your light attacks creatively. Technically, stringing four light attacks together as Red automatically unlocks a bonus sucker punch from Antea, causing extra damage. Overall, it is a handy skill to have, considering that light attacks are the most common type of attacks. Fortunately, you can unlock the skill with your first skill point.

Interestingly, you can couple Tag Team with Relentless Spirit, another useful skill from the Unveil Tree. Relentless Spirit consecutively increases each light attack’s damage by 7% is you don’t take hits yourself, dealing significant damage and enabling you to defeat enemies faster. Notably, this skill applies throughout the game, just like Tag Team.

4. Powder Keg – Red

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - Official Red's Banisher Skills Trailer

Enemies occasionally attack in large groups in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. It is during these occasions that the Powder Keg skill comes in handy. It works by unleashing a fully charged heavy attack, which also causes an area-of-effect (AoE) blast. Notably, AoE attacks cause considerable physical damage, making this skill valuable.

Powder Keg is the second skill in the game, available for a skill point. However, it is worth noting that you need to make some room for fully charging when using this skill.

AOE attacks come in handy throughout the game. To this end, you can complement the Powder Keg skill with Heavy Artillery, the first skill in the Leap Tree. Essentially, this skill increases the damage from Red’s heavy attacks by 20%, making the Powder Keg skill more efficient.

Additionally, you can also use the Barrier skill to take advantage of heavy attacks whenever you use the Powder Keg skill. Essentially, defeating enemies using heavy attacks while having this skill reduces the damage you incur during the next attack by 90%. Notably, the skill especially comes in handy during the latter levels when fighting more formidable enemies.

3. Spectral Ignition – Antea

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - Official Antea's Spectral Skill Overview Trailer

Spectral Ignition is a skill in the Leap Tree and applies to Antea. The skill comes in handy against mob attacks, as it causes AoE damage when you defeat a foe with a punch attack. Notably, the AoE blast damages all enemies within the vicinity, making Antea a more efficient fighter. Interestingly, this skill is compatible with the Relentless Spirit skill recommended earlier, which increases damage from consecutive blows by 7%.

Notably, you can also wage more AoE attacks by coupling Spectral Ignition with Crushing Leap, a skill in the Ensnare Tree. This skill unleashes an AoE blast that causes spectral damage every time you leap. Notably, the skill regenerates quickly, enabling you to launch frequent AoE attacks. Notably, this skill is essential, considering that Antea is less efficient against specters than other enemies.

Interestingly, while Crushing Leap makes Antea more efficient against specters, the Tormented Spirit skill makes her generally more efficient against all enemies by 25%. However, it is a double-edged sword, as it also increases the damage taken by Antea by 25%, making it a tricky compromise.

2. Kiss of Death – Red & Antea

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - Love, Death and Sacrifice | PS5 Games

Kiss of Death is one of the most convenient skills you can get for both Antea and Red. It restores ten health points whenever you defeat an enemy using either Red or Antea. It is available in the Outburst Tree and requires a skill point to unlock. Notably, this skill complements Red’s Barrier skill, which reduces damage by up to 90% – essentially, you minimize damage considerably when both skills are active.

Interestingly, you can use the Bottoms Upskill for Antea to restore an additional five health points whenever you defeat an enemy. Moreover, you can add the Unstoppable skill to restore Antea’s spirit points fully when the fusion ends. You can find both skills in the Fusion Tree and unlock them for Essence.

1. Protected Shooter – Red

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - Official Red's Banisher Skills Trailer

Playing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden as Red requires you to regularly use your rifle to launch long-range attacks, taking enemies down from a safe distance. To this end, unlocking the Protected Shooter skill available under the Outburst Tree is prudent. Defeating enemies using your rifle while this skill is active reduces the damage incurred during the next attack by 90%.

Notably, the Protected Shooter complements the Barrier skill, which also reduces damage from attacks by 90% – essentially, you wouldn’t take any damage at all. Moreover, you can complement the skill with Bull’s Eye and Sharpshooter, two other skills also based on using the rifle. Both skills are available in the Ensnare Tree.

On the one hand, Bull’s Eye restores 15 health points when you shoot an enemy’s weak points using the rifle. However, you must be excellent at aiming to make full use of this skill. On the other hand, the Sharpshooter skill increases the damage of your next attack by 50% when you defeat an enemy using the rifle. This skill is especially handy later in the game when fighting stronger enemies.

So, what’s your take on our picks for the best skills in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden? Are there other skills you would recommend? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below. 
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