Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6 Out Now on PS5, Features Big Improvements and Fixes

2 months ago 83
Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6 PS5 Patch Notes

Patch 6 for Baldur's Gate 3 is available to download now on PS5, bringing yet more improvements and fixes to the award-winning RPG. While there aren't any massive additions or alterations in this update, it does feature a fairly long list of welcome changes, some of which have been highly requested.

For starters, kissing has been made a whole lot better. New animations have been added depending on your romantic partner, and they've even been randomised to make for a more realistic feel. We can practically hear the Astarion fans giggling from here.

What's more, additional camp animations have been implemented — giving your current characters more expressive actions when they're just hanging around. And on top of that, we're looking at loads of smaller improvements, like the game prioritising your avatar when dialogue is triggered, and the ability to simply dismiss party members when you're adding someone to the front lines. You can also change difficulty settings at any time now (outside of Honour Mode).

The full patch notes are absolutely huge (and you can read them here), but if you're not bothered about the tiny details, we've pasted the highlights below.

Baldur's Gate 3 Update 6 Patch Notes

Note that these patch notes allude to some potential story spoilers.

  • You can now dismiss a recruited companion from your party while speaking to the companion you want to replace them with.
  • When a dialogue triggers automatically, the game will now try to prioritise your avatar character as the main speaker.
  • Your partner now has a few different kisses! They're brand new, unique, and randomised - and we’ve also made improvements to how kisses look across the board, particularly for taller and shorter body types.
  • Improved the cinematic scenes in the Elfsong Tavern to feel more intimate when you and your romance partner decide your future together.
  • Reworked the reflection scenes that take place after wrapping up the defeat of for characters without romantic partners to better match the scenes for those who do have romantic partners, and to bridge the gap into the epilogue.
  • Added a new cinematic scene to support the combat encounter that occurs after you choose whether to side with Nightsong at Sorcerous Sundries or not.
  • If you sit on the stool in Shadowheart's camp corner, she will now react to you with a line based on your relation with her.

Added new idle animations for some companions at camp, including:

  • Lae'zel: Studying a githyanki disc.
  • Minthara: Contemplating a skull, tending to mushrooms, expressing violence, adjusting her armour, plotting her future, and being bothered by the sun.
  • Jaheira: Sitting, kneeling and whispering to a rat messenger, and whittling.
  • Minsc: Cooking and shaving his head. (These are two separate animations. Although we wouldn't put it past him, he's not, in fact, cooking his head.)
  • Shadowheart: Polishing the Spear of Night.
  • Halsin: Whittling.
  • If you started your game on a set difficulty, you can now switch to Custom Mode (except when already playing Honour Mode).
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent travel between acts.
  • Fixed an issue causing quicksaves to fail to upload to cross-saves.
  • Characters in the epilogue camp party will now have fitting titles below their names.
  • Fixed the Shield Bash and Rebuke of the Mighty passives not triggering Saving Throws.
  • Added light bar colours for the DualSense controller on PC.
  • If you romanced Lae'zel, grab a red dragon and saddle up - you can now join her in the rebellion against Vlaakith, even if you are not gith yourself.

Are you happy to see Baldur's Gate 3 still getting so many improvements? Gather your favourite party members and dare to start yet another playthrough in the comments section below.


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