Aloft: Everything We Know

3 days ago 43

High above the ground, in a world where islands float among the clouds, a new adventure is on the horizon. Aloft, an upcoming cozy survival game, will take players to this enchanting skybound realm where exploration, creativity, and survival come together. But what exactly can we expect from this floating paradise? How will players navigate its mysteries and challenges?

Excitement is already building as more details about Aloft emerge. What secrets do these airborne islands hold? What adventures await in the vast expanse above the clouds? Buckle up, as we delve into the details. Here's everything we know so far about Aloft.

What is Aloft?

Aloft character exploring a surreal landscape with giant mushrooms and light

Aloft is an upcoming co-op sandbox survival game set in a breathtaking world of floating islands. Players will transform these islands into skyships, crafting sails, helms, and rudders to navigate through the expansive skies. Consequently, this unique setting offers a fresh perspective on the survival genre, where the primary goal revolves around exploration, building, and maintaining a sustainable life in the clouds. The serene environment, combined with the challenge of survival, will provide a captivating experience for players seeking both adventure and tranquility.

Moreover, the world above the clouds serves as the player's playground, with endless opportunities for discovery and creation. Players will gather resources from various islands, build their dream homes, and establish a base that can move freely across the sky. The islands themselves will serve as dynamic ecosystems, each with its own unique features and challenges. By turning islands into floating bases, players will embark on journeys to uncover ancient secrets, new technologies, and diverse biomes.

Furthermore, the game's cooperative nature will enable players to team up with friends, to create a shared experience where teamwork and collaboration are essential. Here, up to eight players can join forces, each contributing to the development and defense of their floating islands. Ultimately, this game promises to blend the thrill of adventure with the satisfaction of crafting and building, all set in a stunning, skybound world that offers endless possibilities.


Aloft character aiming bow at a menacing mushroom creature in forest

Aloft will transport players to a world of floating islands, each full of life and secrets. In this sky-bound realm, players must fight a spreading fungal corruption that threatens these beautiful islands. By exploring, players will find ancient knowledge, create powerful antidotes, and bring balance back to the ecosystems. The journey isn't just about surviving; it's about healing. Players will farm, care for animals, and build, turning each island into a thriving skyship. The story is closely tied to the environment, making every action important in the quest to restore and harmonize the skies, while uncovering the hidden histories of this magical world.


Aloft character gliding towards floating island in a colorful sky

The gameplay of Aloft is expected to be a delightful mix of creativity, exploration, and survival, all set on floating islands high above the clouds. Firstly, players can look forward to a cozy survival experience where they can transform any island into a flying ship. This ship will allow them to navigate the skies, discover new lands, gather resources, and build their dream home.

In addition to exploration, nature’s beauty in Aloft will be threatened by a creeping fungal corruption. Players will need to root out and cure the fungi that threaten to devour life on the islands. This will involve uncovering lost knowledge, brewing powerful antidotes, and enriching the biodiversity of each island. By restoring balance to these ecosystems, players will help them survive and resist future corruption.

Furthermore, wind will play a crucial role in this game. Players will be able to install windmills and create a network of cables and pulleys to automate machines and production. Consequently, they will harness the wind's power to boost crafting and sailing speed, but they must ensure their sails can handle strong winds. Each island will be a living ecosystem, vulnerable to overharvesting and fungal corruption. Players will fight mushroom creatures, craft antidotes, save animals, and restore harmony, unlocking special resources and strengthening the islands against future threats.

In addition to this, players will collect seeds and animals during their travels, bringing them back to their home islands. They can plant crops, cook recipes, and care for animals, forming bonds that provide rare resources and protection. The game will encourage both solo play and multiplayer experiences. With the in-game island creator, players can design anything they imagine and share it with the community, and fill the skies with endless creativity and shared visions.


A character standing on a wooden platform among floating islands

Aloft is being developed and published by Astrolabe Interactive and Funcom. Astrolabe Interactive, based in Montreal, Canada, has been creating unique games since 2018. Funcom is known for popular games like Conan Exiles and The Longest Journey. Together, they are blending Astrolabe's creativity with Funcom's publishing experience.


Aloft – New Multiplayer Demo Trailer

The developers have shared a captivating trailer that whisks us into the enchanting world of Aloft, showcasing its breathtaking floating islands and the myriad activities awaiting players. From crafting to battling creatures, the trailer teases the rich gameplay experience. So, if you haven't watched it yet, be sure to check out the video embedded above!

Release Date, Platforms, and Editions

A character standing by tree with floating islands in background

Aloft is set to launch in Early Access on PC via Steam in Fall 2024. Right now, it's only confirmed for PC, but it might come to other platforms later. And there's no information about a special edition at this time. While you wait for the full release, you can try out the demo available on Steam. Also, to stay updated with the latest news and developments, be sure to follow the game's official social media accounts here.

So, are you ready to soar the skies in Aloft? What are you most excited to explore in this floating island adventure? Let us know on our socials here!

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