All Factions in Star Wars Outlaws, Ranked

1 week ago 40

Star Wars Outlaws features four factions, including Crimson Dawn, Ashiga Clan, Pyke Syndicate, and Hutt Cartel. The factions offer varying rewards for building a positive Reputation with them when you side with and work with them. The rewards vary, and some are better than others. They include outfits, new skins, and discounts with their merchants. Moreover, the various factions control different territories and everything therein, which they can grant you access to if you get on their good side.

Notably, every faction has its strengths and shortcomings, and some are clearly better than others. Here is a well-calculated ranking of all factions in Star Wars Outlaws.

4. Hutt Cartel

Hutt Cartel

The Hutt Cartel engages in all sorts of illegal businesses and doesn’t mind hiring anyone willing to get their hands dirty. They control large territories in Tatooine, but you can ignore them when you are outside their territory.

The Cartel’s rewards are designed to boost your damage output while also reducing your damage intake. The rewards for an Excellent Reputation include the Hutt Cartel Crest, which reduces incoming damage from melee attacks, and the Blaster Parts Bundle for upgrading your blaster.

The faction’s best reward is the Boonter Brawler Outfit, a three-part outfit with several benefits. Notably, it boosts your damage output from grenades and pick-up weapons. Additionally, it reduces damage when sprinting and reduces incoming damage from explosions. Its special perk gives you more adrenaline when killing enemies with grenades and gives you a free grenade for every enemy killed when you are in an Adrenaline Rush state.

3. Ashiga Clan

Ashiga Clan

The Ashiga Clan comprises members of a blind insectoid species called Melitto. It specializes in weapon deals. Notably, it doesn’t trust anyone and is only dedicated to the species’ queen and the Hive.

The Clan is easy to work with. It only controls a small territory, reducing the likelihood of you offending it and incurring its wrath. Additionally, moving around the frozen city is easier with the faction on your side. However, it is also worth noting that you can only unlock this faction when you reach Kijimi.

The Ashiga Clan also offers some of the best rewards in the game, including the best outfit. Notably, its rewards focus on boosting your health and overall survivability.

The faction rewards you with the Kijimi Explorer Coating, a snow-ready coating for your blaster, for a Good Reputation. An Excellent Reputation gets you better rewards for your health and blaster. You get an Ashiga Clan Crest token that restores your health when you perform melee takedowns and finishers. You also get a Blaster Parts Bundle to upgrade your blaster.

Max Reputation earns you the best outfit in the game, the Kijimi Explorer Outfit, which is designed to boost your health and survivability. Its abilities include storing more Bacta Vials and reducing incoming damage. It also helps you regenerate health faster and get a once-off heal when taking fatal damage. Moreover, its unique perks include super-cooling your blaster when you defeat your enemies at low health and greatly reducing incoming damage at low health.

2. Pyke Syndicate

Pyke Syndicate

The Pyke Syndicate is the best at smuggling and bribing, and it values power and self-esteem above everything else. It is the second-best faction to work with for two reasons. Firstly, its rewards are valuable, albeit not necessarily the best. Secondly, and most importantly, it controls vast territories throughout the galaxy, making it easier to move around if you are on good terms.

A Good Reputation with the Pyke Syndicate earns you the Imperial Coating, which is an Imperial Officer-themed coating for your blaster. An Excellent Reputation earns you better rewards, including a Pyke Syndicate Crest that creates a small chance of gaining a free grenade after throwing one. You also get a Ship Parts Bundle, which you can use to upgrade the Trailblazer.

The syndicate also rewards you with an Imperial Disguise Outfit and Imperial Chestbox for Max Reputation. The Imperial Disguise Outfit helps boost your combat and stealth abilities. It helps with combat by increasing accuracy when shooting from the hip, increasing adrenaline gain, and increasing your blaster’s power module’s damage output. Unfortunately, the Imperial Chestbox is mostly for show, as it is an Imperial-themed chest accessory.

Notably, the Pyke Syndicate may be reluctant to offer you jobs at first after you work with the Crimson Dawn faction. Moreover, moving around the galaxy can be difficult if you are on bad terms with the faction, considering its vast territories.  

1. Crimson Dawn

 Factions in Star Wars Outlaws

The Crimson Dawn faction comprises assassins, thieves, manipulators, and extortionists. It is tight-knit, mysterious, cunning, and values information for use in blackmail. It is overall the best faction to side with in Star Wars Outlaws because of its exciting quests and valuable rewards.

Crimson Dawn offers some of the best rewards of all factions. Notably, its rewards focus on improving your stealth capabilities. As such, they are very useful throughout the game, considering that stealth is a core aspect of the overall gameplay.

The rewards you can unlock working with Crimson Dawn vary. A Good Reputation earns you the Crimson Reign Coating, which is a cool-looking faction-themed coating for your blaster. An Excellent Reputation earns you a Crimson Dawn Crest and Speeder Parts Bundle. The former is a token that you can equip to make avoiding detection easier, while the latter is a bunch of spare parts that you can use to upgrade your speeder.

You need Max Reputation to earn the faction’s best rewards, which include the Crimson Reign Outfit and Crimson Reign Satchel. The Crimson Reign Outfit helps with detection by making it easier to move quietly and avoid detection. Moreover, you can chain together stun shots and smoke bombs, which reset each other’s cooldowns. Interestingly, the outfit also restores your health when you make silent takedowns.

Working with Crimson Dawn is easy, as it is involved in many of the story choices in Toshara. Moreover, its quests are fun, and you can also take on some Pyke Syndicate jobs when you access Crimson Dawn quests.

So, what’s your take on our rankings of all factions in Star Wars Outlaws? Let us know on our socials here or in the comments below.
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