All controls in Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds, listed

2 days ago 31

Knowing the controls of Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds is only the beginning of the journey to becoming the best. The game is very competitive, and you’ll need to master these before you can start taking names.

The Strongest Battlegrounds controls

These buttons and controls need to become second nature if you want to master each of the characters in The Strongest Battlegrounds. There are so many combos and techniques in the game. Learning the various buttons will help you use each of them to the best of your ability. The controls are:

  • Movement– W,A,S,D
  • Jump – Spacebar
  • Dash or Dodge Roll – W,A,S,D + Q
  • Block – F
  • Basic Attack – Left Mouse Button
  • Use Skill – 1,2,3,4
Strongest Battlegrounds controlsImage: Yielding Arts

Using these simple controls, you will be able to combine them in clever ways to outsmart your opponent in The Strongest Battlegrounds. Each character has unique combos that consist of the mouse button, M1 attack, and the skills. To become the best in any fight, you will need to learn how to use each player’s combinations to outwit your opponent.

The Strongest Battlegrounds is always updating its game with new combos and moves. It is good to keep track of how each player plays so you can be prepared for the fight.

Basic combos in The Strongest Battlegrounds

There are a few basic combos you need to learn in The Strongest Battlegrounds so that you can take control of the fight. Each character has their own set of combos, but these ones are universal and essential to learn.

Mini UppercutIn a combination of M1 attacks, hold the Space button before the fourth button pressThis attack will launch your enemy into the air without any pushback. It is a great way to begin any air combo.
DownslamThis can only be performed in the air by pressing M1 or Left Mouse Button.This move will slam into the ground, bypassing any block and causing no knockback. This will leave the opponent on the ground
Wall ComboThe controls for this are a little more complex in The Strongest Battlegrounds. First, you must be at the end of your M1 string of attacks. Then, dash forward with W and Q. This can only be done when an opponent is against a wall.This combo will add an extra 12% damage to your combo and leave your opponent on the ground.

Once you’re done with The Strongest Battleground, there are a ton more amazing fighting games on Roblox to enjoy.

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