‘A Call From the Depths’ quest steps in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

1 year ago 180

“A Call From the Depths” is one of the more fruitful side adventures in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Not only does is at an easy and early way to get introduced to bargainer statues, but it also grants you a free stamina or heart container upgrade. Our “A Call From the Depths” guide will show you how to start and complete this quest that will take you to the very bowels of Hyrule.

How to start ‘A Call from the Depths’

In order to begin the “A Call from the Depths” side adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you need to progress the main story to the point where you’ve obtained the paraglider. From there, head south (to roughly where 2017’s Breath of the Wild starts). While you can attempt to scale the massive wall barring your path, if you follow the road, you’ll come across an area where you can see clearly destructible terrain. Use a hammer — which can be created through weapon fusion — or a bomb flower to break the rocks. Water will come rushing out, revealing a new path.

A cutscene will play, showing the water draining; you’ll hear a strange voice calling out to Link as the camera pans to the Temple of Time. That’s where you’ll need to head next. It’s an easy enough building to spot, and those familiar with Breath of the Wild will immediately know where to go. (You can also find it on our interactive Tears of the Kingdom map.) Once you reach the Temple of Time, head to the back room and interact with the Goddess Statue there. After this, four spots will be marked on your map following an explanation of your quest objective, which is to find a total of four eyes and throw them into the Depths.

Link rides a horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Before you go, tag the Goddess Statue on your map. You’ll need this for later.

Where to Find the Goddess Statue Eyes

From here, head to the southernmost mark on your map. After climbing up some snow-covered cliffs, you’ll find your destination by peering over the southernmost point. Once you’ve descended onto this outcropping, you’ll notice there is a large rock you can move with your Ultrahand ability.

Link raises a giant boulder with Ultrahand during the ‘A Call From the Depths’ quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Pick it up to reveal the eye you’re looking for, and throw it into the Depths. If you don’t know what the Depths look like at this point, entry points are generally signified by red and black miasma oozing around various holes in the ground.

Link drops an eye in the Depths entry point in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Now head west. This is the hardest eye to obtain, as you’ll need cold resistance (whether spicy meals or clothing like the Snowquill Armor). You will also need to climb to your objective. Scale the side of the cliff, wearing your cold resistance clothes or after eating a spicy dish, to find some ice blocks.

Link scales a snowy mountain during A Call From the Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Equip your bow and attach a fire fruit to your arrow to defrost these blocks. In one of them is the eye you’re looking for, and you’ll need to shoot the block of ice with three fire-imbued arrows to reach your prize.

Link shoots a block of ice with a fire arrow to reveal a goddess eye in Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Throw this into the chasm as well.

Link drops a goddess eye into the Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Go north to locate the next eye. Once you’re at the marker, use your Ultrahand ability to pull the eye out of the water.

Link pulls a goddess eye out of a river in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Then chuck it into the Depths.

Link drops a goddess eye in a chasm to the Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Lastly, go east. The eye here is hidden under a wall of rocks, which can be destroyed in the very same way you did to access this area.

Link shatters a boulder blocking a path in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Use a hammer or a bomb flower (either by itself or on an arrow) to break the wall. Grab the eye and toss it into the Depths.

Link picks up a boulder in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom while working on the Call From the Depths side quest. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Jump into the Depths to begin the next part of the quest.

Head into the Depths

Once you’ve entered the Depths, open your map. You’ll notice each of the eyes you’ve hurled into this pitch black underground are marked on your map, along with the Goddess Statue you marked earlier. You will need to take each eye to where the Goddess Statue is marked, which is actually where one of the game’s several bargainer statues is located.

This area is effectively a massive mine, so get ready to use some Zonai devices to cart these eyes to the central point on your map. You’ll need to use a lot of fans here, so if you already have some in your inventory, feel free to use them to help take the eyes to the statue. However, there are generally enough of these devices around to make your own minecarts that are propelled either by fans or rockets — or both, if you wanna go fast.

Link creates a mine powered by fans in the Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Once you’ve taken all four eyes to the bargainer statue you can receive your reward.

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